[ { "line": 1, "elements": [ { "line": 3, "name": "a few cukes updated", "description": "", "id": "belly;a-few-cukes updated", "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Scenario", "steps": [ { "result": { "duration": 121, "status": "failed" }, "line": 4, "name": "I have 42 cukes in my belly", "match": { "arguments": [ { "val": "42", "offset": 7 } ], "location": "Stepdefs.I_have_cukes_in_my_belly(int)" }, "keyword": "Given " }, { "result": { "duration": 116470, "status": "passed" }, "line": 5, "name": "I wait 1 hour", "match": { "arguments": [ { "val": "1", "offset": 7 } ], "location": "Stepdefs.I_wait_hour(int)" }, "keyword": "When " }, { "result": { "duration": 456065, "error_message": "org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Timed out after 30 seconds waiting for org.openqa.selenium.support.pagefactory.DefaultElementLocator@436fbed6 to be present\nBuild info: version: '2.48.2', revision: '41bccdd10cf2c0560f637404c2d96164b67d9d67', time: '2015-10-09 13:08:06'\nSystem info: host: 'ip-10-45-51-54.ec2.internal', ip: '', os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '3.10.0-123.8.1.el7.x86_64', java.version: '1.8.0_71'\nDriver info: driver.version: unknown\n\tat org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.FluentWait.timeoutException(FluentWait.java:292)\n\tat org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.FluentWait.until(FluentWait.java:261)\n\tat com.scholastic.torque.common.WaitUtils.waitForPresent(WaitUtils.java:29)\n\tat com.scholastic.torque.webdriver.ExtendedElementHandler.invoke(ExtendedElementHandler.java:46)\n\tat com.sun.proxy.$Proxy30.getText(Unknown Source)\n\tat com.dw.automation.sections.impl.HeaderSection.getCartQuantity(HeaderSection.java:295)\n\tat com.dw.automation.steps.teachercart.TeacherCartSteps.user_removes_all_items_from_cart(TeacherCartSteps.java:283)\n\tat com.dw.automation.pages.impl.LoginPage.doLogin(LoginPage.java:282)\n\tat com.dw.automation.steps.home.LoginSteps.user_login_into_the_system_by_providing_UserInformation(LoginSteps.java:43)\n\tat ✽.Given user login into the system by providing [UserInformation](features\/Golden.feature:1673)\n", "status": "failed" }, "line": 6, "name": "my belly should growl", "match": { "location": "Stepdefs.my_belly_should_growl()" }, "keyword": "Then " } ] }, { "line": 8, "name": "a few more cukes", "description": "", "id": "belly;a-few-more-cukes", "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Scenario", "steps": [ { "result": { "duration": 128519, "status": "passed" }, "line": 9, "name": "I have 100 cukes in my belly", "match": { "arguments": [ { "val": "100", "offset": 7 } ], "location": "Stepdefs.I_have_cukes_in_my_belly(int)" }, "keyword": "Given " }, { "result": { "status": "undefined" }, "line": 10, "name": "I eat more cukes", "match": {}, "keyword": "When " }, { "result": { "status": "undefined" }, "line": 11, "name": "too many cukes spoil the belly", "match": {}, "keyword": "Then " } ] }, { "line": 13, "name": "no more cukes", "description": "", "id": "belly;no-more-cukes", "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Scenario", "steps": [ { "result": { "status": "undefined" }, "line": 14, "name": "my belly is spoiled", "match": {}, "keyword": "Given " }, { "result": { "status": "undefined" }, "line": 15, "name": "I visit the doctor", "match": {}, "keyword": "When " }, { "result": { "status": "undefined" }, "line": 16, "name": "the doctor asks me to eat no more cukes", "match": {}, "keyword": "Then " } ] } ], "name": "Belly", "description": "", "id": "belly", "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "belly.feature" } ]