{ "swagger" : "2.0", "info" : { "version" : "1.40", "title" : "QMetry Test Management for JIRA" }, "host" : "localhost:2990/jira/rest", "basePath" : "/qmetry/latest/", "tags" : [ { "name" : "Platform" }, { "name" : "Defect" }, { "name" : "License" }, { "name" : "Automation" }, { "name" : "Test Run" }, { "name" : "Project" }, { "name" : "Test Case" }, { "name" : "test step" }, { "name" : "Utils" }, { "name" : "System Info" }, { "name" : "Test Scenario" }, { "name" : "Attachment" }, { "name" : "Folder Structure" }, { "name" : "Execution Result" }, { "name" : "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." } ], "schemes" : [ "http" ], "paths" : { "/automation/apikey" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Automation" ], "summary" : "Get API Key", "description" : "Gets Automation API Key.", "operationId" : "getAPIKey", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "projectId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Project ID of the selected project.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given project is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to get apiKey of the given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in fetching API Key." } } } }, "/automation/apikey/{projectId}" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Automation" ], "summary" : "Generate API Key", "description" : "Generates a new Automation API Key for the given project and user.", "operationId" : "generateAPIKey", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "projectId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Project ID of the selected project.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given project is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to create apiKey in the given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in creating API Key." } } } }, "/automation/{issueId}/attributes" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Automation" ], "summary" : "Edit Automation Attributes", "description" : "Edits Automation Attributes of the given issue.", "operationId" : "editAutomationAttributes", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "issueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue Id.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Automation Attributes Object to be edited.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/AutomationAttributes" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given issue is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to edit the given issue." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in editing the automation attributes." } } } }, "/config/project/update/{isQMetryEnabled}" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Project" ], "summary" : "Enable/Disable QMetry Add-on feature for selected projects", "description" : "Enable/Disable QMetry Add-on feature for selected projects.", "operationId" : "setQMetryEnabledFlagForSelectedProjects", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "isQMetryEnabled", "in" : "path", "description" : "A boolean value that indicates whether QMetry features is enabled or not for given project", "required" : true, "type" : "boolean" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "An array of project ids.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/UpdateProjectConfigurationRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if flag value is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user is not jira admin." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given data not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in seting the flag value." } } }, "put" : { "tags" : [ "Project" ], "summary" : "Enable/Disable QMetry Add-on feature for all projects", "description" : "Enable/Disable QMetry Add-on feature for all projects in JIRA.", "operationId" : "setQMetryEnabledFlagForAllProjects", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "isQMetryEnabled", "in" : "path", "description" : "A boolean value that indicates whether QMetry features is enabled or not for given project", "required" : true, "type" : "boolean" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if flag value is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user is not jira admin." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given data not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in seting the flag value." } } } }, "/defect" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Defect" ], "summary" : "Create defect", "description" : "Create defect issue.", "operationId" : "createDefect", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Defect object which needs to create.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/JiraCreateIssueDetails" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given defect is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to create defect." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in creating defect." } } } }, "/defect/{defectIssueId}/link" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Defect" ], "summary" : "Link defect with test run,test scenario or test case", "description" : "Link given defect with test run,test scenario, test step or test case as per test result id given.", "operationId" : "linkDefect", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "defectIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of defect.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Other required parameters", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/DefectRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given defect is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to link defect." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in linking defect." } } } }, "/defect/{defectIssueId}/traceability" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Defect" ], "summary" : "Get defect traceability", "description" : "Get list of stories, test runs, test scenarios, test cases or test steps in which given defect is produced.", "operationId" : "getDefectTraceability", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "defectIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of defect", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of records to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first record to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given defect is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to access defect." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem during retrieval of defect." } } } }, "/defect/{defectIssueId}/unlink" : { "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Defect" ], "summary" : "Un-link defect", "description" : "Un-link defect from given test run,test scenario or test case as per given Map id of defect.", "operationId" : "unlinkDefect", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "defectIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of defect.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "defectId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Map id of defect.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given defect is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to unlink defect." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in unlinking defect." } } } }, "/defect/{testRunIssueId}/getDefect" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Defect" ], "summary" : "Get defect", "description" : "Get defect details. You have to provide test result id.", "operationId" : "getDefect", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testResultId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Id of test result", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given defect is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to access defect." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem during retrieval of defect." } } } }, "/executionresult" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Execution Result" ], "summary" : "Get execution results", "description" : "Returns the execution results of the given project.", "operationId" : "getTestRunExecutionDetails", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "projectId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Project id.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of execution results to return in each call.Default is 100. Max possible value is 100.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "100", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first execution result to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "fromgadget", "in" : "query", "description" : "Whether request come from gedgat or not .", "required" : false, "type" : "boolean", "default" : "false" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given project is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access the given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given project is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if some problem occured during retrieval of execution results." } } }, "post" : { "tags" : [ "Execution Result" ], "summary" : "Add execution result", "description" : "Add new execution result in given project.", "operationId" : "addTestRunExecutionResultype", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Execution result object that needs to be created.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/CreateExecutionResultRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given execution result or project is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access the given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given execution result or project is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if some problem occured while creating an execution result to the given project." } } } }, "/executionresult/{id}" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Execution Result" ], "summary" : "Get an execution result", "description" : "Returns an execution result by id.", "operationId" : "getTestRunExecutionResultById", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "id", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of execution result.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given execution result or project is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access the given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given execution result or project is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if some problem occured during retrieval of execution result." } } }, "put" : { "tags" : [ "Execution Result" ], "summary" : "Update execution result", "description" : "Update execution result by id. Either name, fore color or back color is required field.", "operationId" : "updateTestRunExecutionResult", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "id", "in" : "path", "description" : "Execution result id.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Execution result object that needs to be updated.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/UpdateExecutionResultRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given execution result is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access the given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given execution result details are not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if some problem occured while updating an existing execution result." } } }, "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Execution Result" ], "summary" : "Delete execution result", "description" : "Delete execution result from the given project.", "operationId" : "deleteTestRunExecutionResult", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "id", "in" : "path", "description" : "Execution result id", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given execution result is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access the given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given execution result or project is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if some problem occured during deleting an execution result." } } } }, "/folder/copy" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Copy a folder", "description" : "Copy a folder.", "operationId" : "copyFolder", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Source folder Id, destination folder id, project id, name of folder.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderCopyRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in copying a folder." } } } }, "/folder/create" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Create a new folder", "description" : "Create a new folder.", "operationId" : "createFolder", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Folder data object that needs to create.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderCreateRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in creating a folder." } } } }, "/folder/cut" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Move a folder", "description" : "Update a folder.", "operationId" : "cutFolder", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Folder id, destination (new parent) folder id, project id.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderMoveRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in moving a folder." } } } }, "/folder/delete/{projectId}/{folderId}/{destinationFolderId}" : { "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Delete a folder", "description" : "Delete a folder.", "operationId" : "deleteFolder", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "folderId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Folder id to be delete.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "projectId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Current project id", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "destinationFolderId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Destination folder id to move current folder data.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in deleting a folder." } } } }, "/folder/getFolderTree" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Get List of folders based on project id", "description" : "List of folders.", "operationId" : "getFolderTree", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "project id to get list of folders for particular project", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderPathRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in fetching a list of folder." } } } }, "/folder/getProjects" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Get List of project ", "description" : "List of projects.", "operationId" : "getProjects", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in fetching a list of project." } } } }, "/folder/rename" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Update a folder", "description" : "Update a folder.", "operationId" : "renameFolder", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Current folder id to rename.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderUpdateRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in updating a folder." } } } }, "/folder/testcases" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Get folder data(testcases)", "description" : "Get folder data.", "operationId" : "getFolderData", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Folder data to get list of testcases based on filter/jql.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderGetFolderDataRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in getting a folder data." } } } }, "/folder/testcases/add" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Create new test case in specific folder", "description" : "Create New test case in folder.", "operationId" : "addTestCase", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Folder id and issue id of newly created testcase.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderDataRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in getting a folder data." } } } }, "/folder/testcases/addToStory" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Add selected test cases to specified story", "description" : "Add test cases to story.", "operationId" : "linkIssuesToStoryFromFolder", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Story issue id, list of test case id,folder id, filter by.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderDataRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in add test case to story." } } } }, "/folder/testcases/addToTestRun" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Add selected test cases to specified test run", "description" : "Add test cases to test run.", "operationId" : "linkIssuesToTestRunFromFolder", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Test run id, list of test case id.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderDataRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in linking test case to test run." } } } }, "/folder/testcases/move" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Move selected testcases in specific folder", "description" : "Move testcases in folder.", "operationId" : "moveTestCases", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Folder id, destination folder id and selected list of testcase id.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderCopyMoveTestCaseRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in moving testcases to folder." } } } }, "/folder/testcases/reuse" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Folder Structure" ], "summary" : "Copy/Reuse selected testcases in specific folder", "description" : "Copy testcases in folder.", "operationId" : "copyTestCases", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Folder id, destination folder id and selected list of testcase id.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/FolderCopyMoveTestCaseRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in copying testcases to folder." } } } }, "/ftpStorage/{testRunIssueId}/getAttachedFiles/{resultId}" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Attachment" ], "summary" : "Get Attachment.", "description" : "Upload file.", "operationId" : "getAttechedFiles", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "resultId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of execution result.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of TestRunIssueId", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of Attached Files to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first Attached file details needed to be fetched.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if FTP details is not configured." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if permission denied." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if connection never established." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in fetching file list." } } } }, "/ftpStorage/{testRunIssueId}/uploadFile/{resultId}" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Attachment" ], "summary" : "Attach file.", "description" : "Attach file.", "operationId" : "uploadFile", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "resultId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of execution result.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of TestRunIssueId", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if FTP details is not configured." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if permission denied." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if connection never established." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in uploading file." } } } }, "/license" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "License" ], "summary" : "Get QTM plugin's license details", "description" : "Get QTM license details.", "operationId" : "getLicenseInfo", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in getting license details." } } } }, "/platform" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Platform" ], "summary" : "Get platforms", "description" : "Get list of platforms by project id.", "operationId" : "getPlatforms", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "projectId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Id of project.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResult", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test scenarios to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 100. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "100", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test scenarios to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the project id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given project is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of platform." } } }, "post" : { "tags" : [ "Platform" ], "summary" : "Add new platform", "description" : "Add new platform in given project.", "operationId" : "addPlatformType", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Platform object that needs to create", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/CreatePlatformRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if parameters is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given project." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in adding of platform." } } } }, "/platform/{platformId}" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Platform" ], "summary" : "Get Platform", "description" : "Get platform by platform id.", "operationId" : "getPlatform", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "platformId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of platform.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if platform id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given platform is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of platform." } } }, "put" : { "tags" : [ "Platform" ], "summary" : "Update platform", "description" : "Update platform by id.", "operationId" : "updatePlatformType", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "platformId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of platform.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "required" : false, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/UpdatePlatformRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if platform id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given platform is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in updating of platform." } } }, "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Platform" ], "summary" : "Delete platform", "description" : "Delete platform by platform id.", "operationId" : "removePlatform", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "platformId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of platform.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if platform id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given platform is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in deleting of platform." } } } }, "/story" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." ], "summary" : "Get test cases/scenarios linked with story", "description" : "Get list of test cases/scenarios linked with given story.", "operationId" : "getLinkedTestCases", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of story.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded. Possible value is metadata.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test case/scenarios to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test case/scenario to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "isUpdateRequired", "in" : "query", "description" : "Flag for the page record count,if true then update page record count to maxresult value", "required" : false, "type" : "boolean", "default" : "false" }, { "name" : "searchText", "in" : "query", "description" : "Serch Test Scenario/Test Case within story by key or summary", "required" : false, "type" : "string" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given external issue id or expand is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given story." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given story is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of test cases/scenarios." } } } }, "/story/link" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." ], "summary" : "Link test cases/scenarios in bulk with story", "description" : "Link given test case/scenarios in bulk with story.", "operationId" : "linkBulkTestScenariosToStory", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of story", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Details related to the test case/scenarios to be associated", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/TestCaseTestScenarioIssueIdRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to link bulk of test case/scenarios to story." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given story issue id is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in linking bulk of test case/scenario with story." } } } }, "/story/unlinked" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." ], "summary" : "Get test cases/scenarios which are not linked with any story so far", "description" : "Get list of test cases/scenarios which are not linked with any of story.", "operationId" : "fetchUnlinkedTestScenario", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "projectId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Project id.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible values are testcase,teststep,metadata.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test case/scenarios to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test case/scenario to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given project id or expand is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given project." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given project is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in fetching unlinked test cases/scenarios from given project." } } } }, "/story/{issueId}/move" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." ], "summary" : "Move test case/scenario with in story", "description" : "Move test case/scenario to given position in story.", "operationId" : "changeTestScenarioSequence", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of story.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "oldPos", "in" : "query", "description" : "The old position of test case/scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "newPos", "in" : "query", "description" : "The new position of test case/scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "issueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "The id of test case/scenario to move.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to edit given story." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required params are not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in moving test case/scenario." } } } }, "/story/{issueId}/unlink" : { "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." ], "summary" : "Un-link test case/scenario", "description" : "Un-link test case/scenario from given story. ", "operationId" : "unlinkTestScenario", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "issueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case/scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of story.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given story issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to unlink given test case/scenario." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given story issue id is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in unlinking test case/scenario." } } } }, "/story/{storyIssueId}/executionresults" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." ], "summary" : "Get story execution result for given run", "description" : "Get story(s) execution result for given run along with platform, executed by and associated defects.", "operationId" : "getExecutionResultForStory", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of story.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test run.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of execution result to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first execution result to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given story issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given story." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of story issue." } } } }, "/story/{storyIssueId}/runs" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." ], "summary" : "Get story execution history", "description" : "Get story(s) execution history along with platform, execution result, executed by.", "operationId" : "getExecutedStoryHistory", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of story.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of story history to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first story history to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given story issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given story." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of story issue." } } } }, "/story/{testCaseIssueId}/link" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Story, Epic, Bug, Any other JIRA issue types." ], "summary" : "Link test case/scenario with story", "description" : "Link given test case/scenario with story.(We use term Story for all the issue types)", "operationId" : "linkTestCaseToStory", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case/scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of story.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given story issue id / test case/scenario/scenario issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to link test case/scenario with story." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given story issue id is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in linking test case/scenario with story." } } } }, "/systeminfo" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "System Info" ], "summary" : "Get system information", "description" : "", "operationId" : "getSytemInfo", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in getting system information " } } } }, "/testcase" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Get test cases linked with given test scenario", "description" : "Get list of test cases by test scenario issue id.", "operationId" : "getLinkedActionSteps", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible values are stepunit and metadata", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of stepunits to return in each call.Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first stepunit to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "searchText", "in" : "query", "description" : "Serch Test Case within scenario by key or summary", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "isUpdateRequired", "in" : "query", "description" : "Flag for the page record count,if true then update page record count to maxresult value", "required" : false, "type" : "boolean", "default" : "false" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id or expand is invalid" }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario" }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of test cases." } } }, "post" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Create test case", "description" : "Create test case. ", "operationId" : "createActionStep", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Test case object which needs to create.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/JiraCreateIssueDetails" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to create test case." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem while creating test case." } } } }, "/testcase/link" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Link test case in bulk to test scenario", "description" : "Link test case in bulk with given test scenario.", "operationId" : "linkBulkActionStepsToTestScenario", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "An array of test case issue ids.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/TestCaseIssueIdsRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id / test case issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to associate test case." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the test scenario or test case issue ids are not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if exception occured during linking of test case." } } } }, "/testcase/{copyFromTestCaseIssueId}/copyteststep" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Copy test steps of given test case to another test case", "description" : "All the test steps from given test case will get copied to another test case.", "operationId" : "copyStepUnits", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "copyFromTestCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case from which you want to copy test steps", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "copyToTestCaseIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test case in which you want to test steps.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if given test case issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test case." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if test case issue id not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in copying test steps." } } } }, "/testcase/{issueId}/delete" : { "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Delete a test case", "description" : "Delete a test case issue.", "operationId" : "deleteActionStep", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "issueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if given test case issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if currently authenticated user does not have permission to delete test case." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in deleting test case." } } } }, "/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Get a test case details", "description" : "Get a test case details.", "operationId" : "getActionStepDetails", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible values are metadata and stepunit.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test case issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access given test case." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if exception occured during retrieval of test case details." } } } }, "/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}/executionresultsummary" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Get execution summary of given test case", "description" : "Return count of given test case executions group by execution result.", "operationId" : "getTestScenarioResultCount", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test case issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test case." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem occured during retrieval of test case." } } } }, "/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}/issues" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Get stories linked with given test case", "description" : "Get list of stories linked with given test case.", "operationId" : "getLinkedIssue", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible value is metadata.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of stories to return.Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first story to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test case issue is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access given test case." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if exception occured during retrieval of stories." } } } }, "/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}/link" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Link test case with test scenario", "description" : "Link test case with given test scenario.", "operationId" : "linkTestCaseToTestScenario", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id / test case issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to link test case with given test scenario." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in linking test case with test scenario." } } } }, "/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}/move" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Move a test case", "description" : "Move a test case to given position.", "operationId" : "changeActionStepSequence", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "oldPos", "in" : "query", "description" : "Current position of test case. It is required as in one test scenario same test case can be linked twice.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "newPos", "in" : "query", "description" : "New position of test case", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if currently authenticated user does not have permission to edit given test case." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if required params are not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in moving test case." } } } }, "/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}/runs" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Get test case execution history", "description" : "Get test case's execution history along with story,test scenario, platform, execution result, executed by and associated defects.", "operationId" : "getExecutedActionStepHistory", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test cases to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test cases to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test case issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test case." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of test case issues." } } } }, "/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}/testscenario" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Get test scenarios linked with given test case", "description" : "Get list of test scenarios linked with given test case.", "operationId" : "getLinkedTestScenarios", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible value is metadata.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test scenarios to return.Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test scenario to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test case issue is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access given test case." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if exception occured during retrieval of test scenarios." } } } }, "/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}/unlink" : { "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Test Case" ], "summary" : "Un-link test case from given test scenario", "description" : "Un-link test case from given test scenario. You need to provide either map id or issue ids of both test case and test scenario along with test case seq no.", "operationId" : "unlinkActionStep", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "mapId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Map id of test scenario with test case.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "seqNo", "in" : "query", "description" : "Sequence number of test case.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to unlink given test case." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in unlinking test case." } } } }, "/testrun" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Create test run", "description" : "Create test run.", "operationId" : "createTestRun", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Test run object which needs to create.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/JiraCreateIssueDetails" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to create test run." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run details is invalid." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in creating test run." } } } }, "/testrun/testexecution/{testRunIssueId}/{testResultId}" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Expand test case in execution details", "description" : "expand test case in execution details", "operationId" : "getTestRunExecutionDetails", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run ", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testResultId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Testresult id ", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "TestRuprogressnExecutionRequest Object", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/TestRunExecutionRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission view test run execution details." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if exception occured while fetching test run execution details." } } } }, "/testrun/{copyFromTestRunIssueId}/copytestresult" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Copy issues linked with given test run to another test run.", "description" : "Copy issues linked with given test run to another test run. Note - You can copy to only blank test run", "operationId" : "copyTestResult", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "copyFromTestRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of copy from test run.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Details for cloning Test run.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/ClonedTestRun" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in copying test results." } } } }, "/testrun/{issueId}/move" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Move story or test scenario/case with in given test run", "description" : "Move story or test scenario/case to given position.", "operationId" : "changeIssueSequence", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of story.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "oldPos", "in" : "query", "description" : "The old position of story or test scenario/case.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "newPos", "in" : "query", "description" : "The new position of story or test scenario/case.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "issueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "The id of story or test scenario/case to move.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to edit given test run." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required params are not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in moving story or test scenario/case." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Get test run issue details", "description" : "Get test run issue details.", "operationId" : "getTestRunDetails", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible value is metadata.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test run." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem occured during retrieval of test run." } } }, "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Update Test run summary and comment.", "description" : "Update Test run summary and comment.", "operationId" : "updateTestRunDetails", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run ", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "IssueFieldRequest Object", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/IssueFieldRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission view test run details." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required data is not present." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if exception occured while saving data." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/automation/{resultId}" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Get automation details for given test scenario or test case.", "description" : "Get automation details for given test scenario or test case.", "operationId" : "getTestScenarioAutomationDetails", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue Id of Test Run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "resultId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Result Id", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to access given test run." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem while fetching result." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/delete" : { "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Delete test run", "description" : "Delete test run issue.", "operationId" : "deleteTestRun", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test run." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in deleting test run." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/executionresultcount" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Get execution result count", "description" : "Get execution result for given test run.", "operationId" : "getTestRunResultCount", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "resultId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Id of execution result.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "assignee", "in" : "query", "description" : "Possible values are ME, OTHERS and ALL.By default ALL will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "string", "default" : "ALL" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test run." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem occured during retrieval of test run." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/export" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Export test run result", "description" : "Export test run result data.", "operationId" : "exportReportData", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue Id of Test Run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "TestRunExecutionRequest Object", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/TestRunExecutionRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test run." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if given test run id is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in exporting report." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/issues" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Get Test Cases/Scenarios and Stories linked with given test run", "description" : "Get Test Cases/Scenarios and Stories linked with given test run along with their summary and status.", "operationId" : "getIssuesByTestRunId", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of issues to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first issue to return. Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "searchText", "in" : "query", "description" : "Possible values are test scenarios/stories based on filter", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "isUpdateRequired", "in" : "query", "description" : "Flag for the page record count,if true then update page record count as maxresults value", "required" : false, "type" : "boolean", "default" : "false" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission view test run details." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the assignee or test run issue id is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if exception occured while fetching issues." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/link" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Link stories, test cases/scenarios in bulk with test run", "description" : "Link story or test case/scenario in bulk with test run.", "operationId" : "linkBulkIssueToTestRun", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Story or test scenario issue list", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/IssueIdsRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to link bulk of issues with test run." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if given testRunIssueId or externalIssueId is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in linking bulk of issues with test run." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/link/{issueId}" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Link story or test case/scenario with test run", "description" : "Link story or test case/scenario with test run.", "operationId" : "linkIssueToTestRun", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "issueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of story or test scenario", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to link issue with test run." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if given testRunIssueId or issueId is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in linking issue with test run." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/platform" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Update platform of test run", "description" : "Update platform of given test run.", "operationId" : "updateTestRunPlatform", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "platformId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Id of platform.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if platform id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test run or platform." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run or platform is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in updating of platform of test run." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/rebuild" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Rebuild test run", "description" : "Rebuild the given test run linkage with test scenarios, test cases and test steps based on the current state.", "operationId" : "rebuildTestRun", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test run." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem occured during rebuild of test run." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/refresh" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Refresh test run", "description" : "Refresh the given test run linkage with test cases and test steps based on the current state.", "operationId" : "refreshTestRun", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Assign tester objects", "required" : false, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/AssignTesterRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test run." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem occured during rebuild of test run." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/testcase/{testCaseIssueId}/teststep" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Get Test Steps which are linked with Test Case", "description" : "Get Test Steps which are linked with Test Case.", "operationId" : "getStepUnitResultsByTestRunIdAndTestScenarioIdAndTestCaseIssueId", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test case", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testCaseSeqNo", "in" : "query", "description" : "Sequence number of test case with in test scenario", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test story", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test cases to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test case details needed to be fetched.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "resultId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Id of execution result.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Possible values are metadata, teststep and defect", "required" : false, "type" : "string" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to get data." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if required request data is missing." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in fetching data." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/testscenario/{testScenarioIssueId}/testcase" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Get Test Cases which are linked with Test Scenario.", "description" : "Get Test Cases which are linked with Test Scenario.", "operationId" : "getTestCaseResultsByTestRunIdAndTestScenarioId", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "storyIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test story", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test cases to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test case details needed to be fetched.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "resultId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Id of execution result.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Possible values are metadata, teststep and defect", "required" : false, "type" : "string" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to get data." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if required request data is missing." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in fetching data." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/unlink/{issueId}" : { "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Unlink story or test scenario/case from test run", "description" : "Unlink story or test scenario/case from test run.", "operationId" : "unlinkIssueFromTestRun", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "issueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of story or test scenario/case", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to unlink issue from test run." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if given testRunIssueId or issueId is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in Unlinking issue from test run." } } } }, "/testrun/{testRunIssueId}/update" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Run" ], "summary" : "Update comment, execution result or actual result", "description" : "You can update either comment, actual result, execution result or all of them together.Here you can directly pass test result id or multiple issue ids.", "operationId" : "updateTestRunResult", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testRunIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test run.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Update test run result details.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/UpdateTestRunRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if request data is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test run." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test run or platform is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in updating of result of test run." } } } }, "/testscenario" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "Test Scenario" ], "summary" : "Create test scenario", "description" : "Create test sceanario issue.", "operationId" : "createTestScenario", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "Test scenario object which needs to create.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/JiraCreateIssueDetails" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if user does not have permission to create issue in JIRA." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the required request data is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in creating test scenario." } } } }, "/testscenario/{copyFromTestScenarioIssueId}/copytestcase" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Test Scenario" ], "summary" : "Copy test cases of given test scenario to another test scenario", "description" : "Copy test cases from one test scenario to another test scenario. Here we will not create new test case issues. Same test cases will get copied to another test scenario.", "operationId" : "copytestcase", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "copyFromTestScenarioIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario from which you want to copy test cases.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "copyToTestScenarioIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario in which you want to copy test cases.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is not provided." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in copying test cases." } } } }, "/testscenario/{issueId}/delete" : { "delete" : { "tags" : [ "Test Scenario" ], "summary" : "Delete test scenario", "description" : "Delete test scenario issue.", "operationId" : "deleteTestScenario", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "issueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in deleting test scenario." } } } }, "/testscenario/{testScenarioIssueId}" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Scenario" ], "summary" : "Get test scenario", "description" : "Get test scenario details.", "operationId" : "getTestScenarioDetails", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test scenar \t \tio.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible values are testcase, teststep and metadata.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem occured during retrieval of test scenario." } } } }, "/testscenario/{testScenarioIssueId}/executionresultsummary" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Scenario" ], "summary" : "Get execution summary of given test scenario", "description" : "Return count of test scenario executions group by execution result.", "operationId" : "getTestScenarioResultCount", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem occured during retrieval of test scenario." } } } }, "/testscenario/{testScenarioIssueId}/linkedTestRun" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Scenario" ], "summary" : "Get linked test runs", "description" : "Get list of test runs by test scenario issue id.", "operationId" : "getLinkedTestRuns", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible value is metadata.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test scenarios to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test scenarios to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of test run issues." } } } }, "/testscenario/{testScenarioIssueId}/runs" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Scenario" ], "summary" : "Get test scenario execution history", "description" : "Get test scenario's execution history along with story, platform, execution result, executed by and associated defects.", "operationId" : "getExecutedTestScenarioHistory", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test scenarios to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test scenarios to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of test scenario issues." } } } }, "/testscenario/{testScenarioIssueId}/story" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Test Scenario" ], "summary" : "Get linked stories", "description" : "Get list of story issues by test scenario issue id.", "operationId" : "getLinkedStories", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testScenarioIssueId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "expand", "in" : "query", "description" : "Comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded.Possible value is metadata.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test scenarios to return in each call. Maximum possible value is 50. By default maximum value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test scenario to return.Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test scenario issue id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test scenario." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in retrieval of story issues." } } } }, "/teststep" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "test step" ], "summary" : "Get test steps", "description" : "Returns the test steps of given test case.", "operationId" : "getAllStepUnits", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "testCaseIssueId", "in" : "query", "description" : "Issue id of test case.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "maxResults", "in" : "query", "description" : "Maximum number of test steps to return in each call. Max value is 50. By default max value will be returned.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "50", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "offset", "in" : "query", "description" : "Index of the first test step to return. Default is 0.", "required" : false, "type" : "integer", "default" : "0", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "isUpdateRequired", "in" : "query", "description" : "Flag for the page record count,if true then update page record count to maxresult value", "required" : false, "type" : "boolean", "default" : "false" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test case is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test case's test steps." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the test case is not found." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if exception occured during retrieval of test steps." } } }, "post" : { "tags" : [ "test step" ], "summary" : "Create a test step", "description" : "Create a new test step in given test case.", "operationId" : "createStepUnit", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "test step object that needs to create.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/CreateTestStepRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test case is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to create new test step." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test case does not exist." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in creating a test step." } } } }, "/teststep/{id}" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "test step" ], "summary" : "Get a test step", "description" : "Returns a test step by given id.", "operationId" : "getStepUnit", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "id", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of test step to get.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access given test step." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step or linked test case does not exist." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in getting a test step." } } }, "put" : { "tags" : [ "test step" ], "summary" : "Edit a test step", "description" : "Edit step details, test data or expected result of test step. Either one of three value is required.", "operationId" : "editStepUnit", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "id", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of test step to edit.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "in" : "body", "name" : "body", "description" : "test step object that needs to edit.", "required" : true, "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/TestStepRequest" } } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to edit given test step." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step or linked test case does not exist." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in editing test step." } } }, "delete" : { "tags" : [ "test step" ], "summary" : "Delete a test step", "description" : "Delete given test step.", "operationId" : "deleteStepUnit", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "id", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of test step to delete.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to delete given test step." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step or linked test case does not exist." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in deleting test step." } } } }, "/teststep/{id}/clone" : { "post" : { "tags" : [ "test step" ], "summary" : "Clone a test step", "description" : "Clone all the details of given test step in new one.", "operationId" : "cloneStepUnit", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "id", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of test step to clone.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation." }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step id is invalid." }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to clone given test step." }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step or linked test case does not exist." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in cloning a test step." } } } }, "/teststep/{id}/move" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "test step" ], "summary" : "Move a test step to new position", "description" : "Move given test step to new position.", "operationId" : "changeStepUnitSequence", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "newPos", "in" : "query", "description" : "New position of test step.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, { "name" : "id", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of test step to move.", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "400" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step id or new position is invalid" }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently athenticated user does not have permission to edit given test step" }, "404" : { "description" : "Returned if the given test step or linked test case does not exist" }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is problem in editing test step" } } } }, "/utils/issuetype" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Utils" ], "summary" : "Get issue types.", "description" : "Returns list of issue types. You can further filter this list by QMetry features Enabled property.", "operationId" : "getIssueTypes", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "keyFilter", "in" : "query", "description" : "When fetching a list allows to be filtered by QMetry enabled property. Possible values are QMetryEnabled and ALL. Default value is ALL.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access issue types." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in fetching issue type list." } } } }, "/utils/issuetype/{issueTypeId}" : { "put" : { "tags" : [ "Utils" ], "summary" : "Update issue type", "description" : "Update QMetry features enabled property of given issue type.", "operationId" : "updateIssueTypeEntity", "consumes" : [ "application/json" ], "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "issueTypeId", "in" : "path", "description" : "Id of issue type", "required" : true, "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, { "name" : "isQMetryEnabled", "in" : "query", "description" : "A boolean value that indicates whether QMetry features is enabled or not for given issue type", "required" : true, "type" : "boolean" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to update issue type." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in updating issue type." } } } }, "/utils/project" : { "get" : { "tags" : [ "Utils" ], "summary" : "Get projects.", "description" : "Returns list of JIRA projects. You can further filter this list by QMetry features Enabled property.", "operationId" : "getProjects", "produces" : [ "application/json" ], "parameters" : [ { "name" : "keyFilter", "in" : "query", "description" : "When fetching a list allows to be filtered by QMetry enabled property. Possible values are QMetryEnabled and ALL. Default value is ALL.", "required" : false, "type" : "string" } ], "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Successful operation" }, "403" : { "description" : "Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to access projects." }, "500" : { "description" : "Returned if there is some problem in fetching project list." } } } } }, "definitions" : { "AssignTesterRequest" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "userName" : { "type" : "string" }, "executionResultId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "selectedTestScenarioList" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/UserScenarioAssociation" } }, "whereClause" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/KeyValue" } }, "assignedToUsers" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "string" } }, "executionResult" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "testScenarioWithDefectRequired" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "storyIssueIds" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "tcResultIds" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "isTs" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "isAs" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "isSu" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "allSelected" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false } } }, "AutomationAttributes" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "automationId1" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Automation ID 1" }, "automationId2" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Automation ID 2" } } }, "ClonedTestRun" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "issueData" : { "type" : "string" }, "platform" : { "type" : "string" }, "name" : { "type" : "string" }, "clonedIssueId" : { "type" : "string" }, "clonedIssueKey" : { "type" : "string" }, "defect" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "copyComments" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "copyActualResult" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "status" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/ClonedTestRunStatus" }, "projectId" : { "type" : "string" }, "additionalProperties" : { "type" : "object", "additionalProperties" : { "type" : "object" } } } }, "ClonedTestRunStatus" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "status" : { "type" : "string" }, "idList" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "statusToBeAssigned" : { "type" : "string" } } }, "CreateExecutionResultRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "backColor", "foreColor", "name", "projectId", "projectKey" ], "properties" : { "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Project Id" }, "name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of execution result." }, "priority" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Priority" }, "foreColor" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Fore color" }, "backColor" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Backgroud color." }, "projectKey" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Project Key" } } }, "CreatePlatformRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "name", "projectId" ], "properties" : { "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Id of project" }, "name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of platform" } } }, "CreateTestStepRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "stepDetails", "testCaseIssueId" ], "properties" : { "testData" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Test Data for test step. You can provide wiki markup text here. " }, "stepDetails" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Summary of test step. You can provide wiki markup text here." }, "expectedResult" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Expected result of test step" }, "testCaseIssueId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Issue id of test case" } } }, "DefectRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "testResultId" ], "properties" : { "testResultId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Test result id" } } }, "FolderCopyMoveTestCaseRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "destinationFolderId", "folderId", "testcaseIdList" ], "properties" : { "folderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Source Folder ID" }, "destinationFolderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Destination folder ID" }, "testcaseIdList" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "List of TestCase Ids to Copy", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "isAllSelected" : { "type" : "boolean", "description" : "All TestCase Selected Within Folder", "default" : false }, "jql" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "JQL to filter the TestCase" }, "filterBy" : { "type" : "array", "example" : "[{key: \"searchText\", value: [\"Test case1\"]}]", "description" : "Filder TestCase", "items" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/KeyValue" } } } }, "FolderCopyRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "folderId", "name", "newParentFolderId", "projectId" ], "properties" : { "folderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Source Folder ID" }, "newParentFolderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Destination Folder ID" }, "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Project ID" }, "name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of the folder You want to create" } } }, "FolderCreateRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "name", "projectId" ], "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of the folder you want to create" }, "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Project Name to create folder" }, "parentFolderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "ParentFolder ID for Sub Folder" } } }, "FolderDataRequest" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "folderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "destinationFolderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "parentFolderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "newParentFolderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "folderFilterId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "name" : { "type" : "string" }, "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "maxResults" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "offset" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "filterBy" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/KeyValue" } }, "folderPreference" : { "type" : "string" }, "jql" : { "type" : "string" }, "testcaseId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "testcaseIdList" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "uncheckTestCases" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "isAllSelected" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "searchText" : { "type" : "string" }, "createdBy" : { "type" : "string" }, "createdOn" : { "type" : "string", "format" : "date-time" }, "lastUpdatedBy" : { "type" : "string" }, "lastUpdatedOn" : { "type" : "string", "format" : "date-time" }, "subFolderCount" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "testRunIdToLink" : { "type" : "string" }, "storyIdToLink" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "sortColumn" : { "type" : "string" }, "sortOrder" : { "type" : "string" } } }, "FolderGetFolderDataRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "folderId" ], "properties" : { "folderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "ID of the folder to Get Data" }, "filterBy" : { "type" : "array", "example" : "[{key: \"searchText\", value: [\"Test case1\"]}]", "description" : "Filder TestCase ", "items" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/KeyValue" } }, "jql" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Filter TestCase by JQL" }, "maxResults" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "MaxResult to Show" }, "offset" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Offset for Result" }, "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Offset for Result" }, "sortColumn" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "name of the Column to Sort ex.key,summary,createdby" }, "sortOrder" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Order of the sorting Column ex.asc,desc" }, "savePreference" : { "type" : "boolean", "description" : "Save Folder Filter Preference", "default" : false } } }, "FolderMoveRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "folderId", "newParentFolderId", "projectId" ], "properties" : { "folderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Source Folder ID" }, "newParentFolderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Destination Folder ID" }, "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Project ID" } } }, "FolderPathRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "projectId" ], "properties" : { "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Project Id to Get List of Folders" }, "folderPreference" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Save Folder Sorting Preference " }, "savePreference" : { "type" : "boolean", "description" : "Save Preference Flag to preserve the folder preferences", "default" : false }, "folderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Current folder id to skip its child folder as well current folder" } } }, "FolderUpdateRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "folderId", "name" ], "properties" : { "folderId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Id of the Folder you want to update" }, "name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Updated Name of the Folder" } } }, "IssueFieldRequest" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "comment" : { "type" : "string" }, "summary" : { "type" : "string" }, "platform" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } } }, "IssueIdsRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "issueIds" ], "properties" : { "issueIds" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "Array of issue ids", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } } } }, "IssueSeqModel" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "issueId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, "seqNo" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } } }, "JiraCreateIssueDetails" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "projectId", "summary" ], "properties" : { "summary" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Issue summary" }, "projectId" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Project Id" }, "reporter" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Reporter of issue" }, "duedate" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Due Date associated to issue" }, "description" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Issue description" }, "assignee" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Assignee of Issue" }, "priority" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Issue priority" }, "versions" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "An array of version ids.", "items" : { "type" : "string" } }, "labels" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "An array of labels associated to issue", "items" : { "type" : "string" } }, "components" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "An array of component ids.", "items" : { "type" : "string" } } } }, "KeyValue" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "key" : { "type" : "string" }, "value" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "string" } } } }, "TestCaseIssueIdsRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "testCaseIds" ], "properties" : { "testCaseIds" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "Array of testCaseIds", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } }, "jql" : { "type" : "string" } } }, "TestCaseTestScenarioIssueIdRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "issueIds" ], "properties" : { "issueIds" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "Array of issue ids.", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } }, "jql" : { "type" : "string" } } }, "TestRunExecutionRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "assignedToUsers", "executionResult", "offset", "projectId", "testScenarioWithDefectRequired", "whereClause" ], "properties" : { "projectId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "project id of test run " }, "offset" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "offset " }, "maxResults" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "max no of result you want" }, "whereClause" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "for filtering test execution", "items" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/KeyValue" } }, "assignedToUsers" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "array of user key for filtering test execution", "items" : { "type" : "string" } }, "assignedToUsersName" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "array of user name for filtering test execution", "items" : { "type" : "string" } }, "executionResult" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "array of execution result id for filtering test execution", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "testScenarioWithDefectRequired" : { "type" : "boolean", "description" : "issues with defect for filtering test execution", "default" : false }, "paginationCountUpdateRequired" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "sortByTestCase" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "1 for sort by test case and 0 for unsorted" }, "automationRun" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false } } }, "TestStepRequest" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "testData" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Test Data for step unit. Here you can provide wiki markup text." }, "stepDetails" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Summary of step unit. Here you can provide wiki markup text." }, "expectedResult" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Expected result of step unit. Here you can provide wiki markup text." } } }, "UpdateExecutionResultRequest" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name" }, "priority" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Priority" }, "foreColor" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Fore color" }, "backColor" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Back color" } } }, "UpdatePlatformRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "name" ], "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of platform" } } }, "UpdateProjectConfigurationRequest" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "projectIds" ], "properties" : { "projectIds" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "Array of projectIds", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" } } } }, "UpdateTestRunRequest" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "testResultId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Id of test result" }, "result" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "result" }, "actualResult" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Actual result" }, "comment" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Comment" }, "assignedUser" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Assigned User" }, "storyIssueId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Issue id of story." }, "testScenarioIssueId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario." }, "actionStepIssueId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Issue id of test case." }, "stepUnitId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Id of step unit." } } }, "UserScenarioAssociation" : { "type" : "object", "required" : [ "executionResultId" ], "properties" : { "storyIssueId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Issue id of story" }, "testScenarioIssueId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64", "description" : "Issue id of test scenario" }, "testCaseIssueId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int64" }, "testResultId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Id of test result" }, "username" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "User key of Assignee" }, "externalIssueSeqNoForSingleScenario" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "seqNo" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "externalSeqNo" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "tsSeqNo" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "tcSeqNo" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "externalIssueSeqNo" : { "type" : "object", "additionalProperties" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "testScenarioSeqNo" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "testCaseSeqNo" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" }, "storyIssueIdArr" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "Array of story issue id", "items" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/IssueSeqModel" } }, "tsResultIdArr" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "Array of test result id", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "testScenarioIssueIdArr" : { "type" : "array", "description" : "Array of test scenario issue id", "items" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32" } }, "userName" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "User key of Assignee" }, "executionResultId" : { "type" : "integer", "format" : "int32", "description" : "Execution result id" }, "isTs" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "isAs" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, "isSu" : { "type" : "boolean", "default" : false } } } } }