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QMetry Test Management for Bamboo is a free add-on. Once you are done with its installation, follow these steps to set up a simple build Plan.





QMetry Base URL


QMetry Test Management URL

Automation API Key


Your API Key. API Key is unique for a specific user in a single project. The result will be imported for the project associated with the given API Key.

Test Result File Path or Directory Path

Your result file to be uploaded.

Example : The Bamboo plugin is expecting the file in BambooHome/xml-data/build-dir/<Project Name>
If your project name is TestNGProject, then you will find a folder name with TestNGProject "Key Name" in bamboo home BambooHome/xml-data/build-dir/<Project Name>
Your result file should be under BambooHome/xml-data/build-dir/<Project Name> 
The path that should be set in plugin configuration is "/Testng-result.xml"



Supported Formats 

  1. junit/xml
  2. cucumber/json
  3. testng/xml
  4. qas/json
Automation HierarchyHerarchyNo

Hierarchy which will be used to parse test result files on QTM. Supported formats are:


1 - Use result file's 'testcase' tag as TestStep and 'testsuite' tag as Testcase

2 - Create Single Testsuite and link all Testcases to that Testsuite ('testcase' tag will be treated as Testcase)

3 - Create Multiple Testsuites and then link their respective testcases in corresponding Testsuites ('testcase' tag will be treated as Testcase)


1 - Use result file's 'class' tag as Testcase and 'test-method' tag as TestStep

2 - Use result filefiles 's 'test-method' tag as TestCase3 - Use result file's 'test' tag as TestCaseTestcase

ProjectYesID/Key/Name of the Project within which the test suite will be created as mentioned in the Test Suite parameter below.
Release*NoID/Name of the Release in which the test execution will be created. If Release is not mentioned, then Default Release will be considered.
CycleNoID/Name of the Cycle in which the test execution will be created. If Cycle is not mentioned, then Default Cycle will be considered.
BuildNoID/Name of the Build that provides reference to the test run which is to be executed.
Test SuiteNo

Key/ID of the test suite exists in QMetry. In the absence of Key, a new test suite will be created in the following syntax:

Automation-<Format>-<Date & Time>

e.g. Automation-JUNIT-Mon Mar 12 07:25:22 UTC 2018

Note: If for Junit, Option 3 - Create Multiple Testsuites and then link their respective testcases in corresponding Testsuites - is chosen, then the parameter Test Suite ID will be ignored.

Test Suite NameNo

If existing "testsuiteId" is not being used and auto-generated name for the new test suite is not desired, then a custom test suite name can be entered for this parameter.

Note: If for Junit, Option 3 - Create Multiple Testsuites and then link their respective testcases in corresponding Testsuites - is chosen, then the parameter Test Suite Name will be ignored.


Name/ID of Platform on which test run to be executed. If Platform is not mentioned, then the test run will be executed on the default platform named “No Platform”.
