Example: QA manager has to create a priority 'Critical'. Below are the steps for priority creation:
Navigate to QMetry > Configurations
Under Project Configuration select Priority.
Enter a relevant name, description, Select Icon to represent the priority, and click Add. The section is highlighted in the below screenshot.
The Priorities created are available for linking them with Test Case, Test Cycle and Test Plan.
1 . User has to either click on the Manage Icons button or open the Icon drop-down and click Add as shown in the below screenshot:
2. User has to upload an icon or provide the Image URL.
Steps to edit a Priority:
Click on the priority Name and a text box appears to enter the new priority name as shown in the below screenshot.
Type the new name and click on the tick mark symbol. Edit the Description field and change the icon in the similar manner.
The confirmation message pops up. Click Confirm to proceed.
Users can save their time as they do not have to create redundant/duplicate items for different QMetry projects.
Select the Priorities that you want to copy to other QMetry Projects. The Copy button is visible on the screen as soon as you select Priorities.
Click on the Copy button.
To copy priority in other projects, the user must have 'Configuration Modify' permission of the targeted project. |
3. Now select the project wherein you want to copy the selected items. You can select multiple QMetry Projects (maximum of 5 projects) at a time to copy the item.
Note: The Priority can not be deleted if it is used in any of the test assets.
Searching a Priority
Users can easily search for a required Priority from the long list of items.
Steps for searching a Priority on the list:
Navigate to QMetry > Configuration menu > Select Project.
Click on priority.
Click on the search icon to see the text box. Type the keyword in the text box and press ENTER on the keyboard.