There are two ways to add test steps under the test case:
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A. Steps Tab on the Test Case Detail Page
Note: QMetry Test Management for Jira uses Jira’s native editor and some characters like backslash used in the wiki markup body become unusable by default. This is a technical limitation from Jira's end. As a workaround, we would suggest you use the 'Code' from the rich text editor to mention any text containing backslash for Step Summary, Test Data and Expected Result text boxes.
A. Wiki Markup
You can write test steps in Wiki markup editor which has different options for text formatting. Refer to Text Formatting.
Note: The maximum size allowed for individual file is 25 MB. The file size uploaded here will be considered in Storage Tier. If the Storage Tier runs out of free space, users can not upload attachments.
Expand the test cases under which you want to add test steps. You can see the space to add steps.
Enter test steps detail and click Add.
Edit Test Steps
You can edit test steps from two places -
You edit existing step details, add attachments, clone the test step, and delete the test step.
B. Edit Test Steps from Test Case List View