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The Traceability Report has been designed to enable you to trace relationships among Requirements, Test Cases, Test Cycles, Test Plans, and Defects. You can search for a specific test artifact and discover the web of its relationship with other artifacts. You can drill down into details by clicking on hyperlinks. You can analyze the links between Defects, Test Cases, and Requirements, which helps you identify high-risk Requirements or Test Cases.
The downloaded report shows the hierarchy of issues (i.e. Requirement → Test Case → Test Cycle → Test Plan → Defect) within single or multiple projects. It provides users -
Flexibility to select the level to drill down the details
Organized and detailed information
Open the Test Management menu on the navigation bar at the left.
Open the Test Report tab.
You can opt to drill down the report to the following hierarchy levels:
Trace By Test Case
Trace By Requirement
Trace By Defect
Configure Traceability Report
The report will be generated in accordance with the configuration.
You can filter test cases, test cycles, and test plans on custom fields. These custom fields are also displayed when you export the report in excel.
You can select the Requirement/Test Case/Test Plan/Defect to generate the report with relevant details. Select one of the following.
By Test Case: It displays report details in the hierarchy of Test Case - Requirement - Test Cycle - Test Plan - Defect.
By Requirement: It displays report details in the hierarchy of Requirement - Test Case - Test Cycle - Test Plan - Defect.
By Defect: It displays report details in the hierarchy of Defect - Test Case - Test Cycle - Test Plan - Requirement.
Here, we are configuring Traceability By Test Case report -
Project: You can select multiple projects to generate a cross-project report.
Filter By: The filter you apply once will be preserved for use.
Select the module you want to filter the report data on. You can select only 2 modules at a time. As soon as you select the module, its criteria panel added on the screen to define the criteria to filter report data.
Click on the Add Criteria button. A row is added to define Operation, Operator, and corresponding value to construct a criterion to filter the data. You can delete a criterion by clicking on the Delete icon.
Repeat the same steps for another module, if you have selected to apply the Filter.
Requirement and Defect modules: JQL is provided for the filter by Requirement and Defect. Users can apply the filter as per requirement, same as provided in Jira's advanced search. It allows users to use multiple fields like Project, Issue Type, Issue Status, etc. as a filter to generate the report.
Test Case Executions (for Execution module): Select either Last Test Execution or All Test Execution. By default, all the executions of Test Cases are shown in the Traceability hierarchy.
Test Case Versions (for Test Case module): Select either Show Latest Version or Show All Version(s).
Archived Test Cases: Select the Include Archived Test Cases option to include archived test cases while generating reports. In Traceability Reports, the archived test cases are displayed with the Archived tag
Click on the Generate button. The Traceability Report by Test Case is generated for the applied Filter.
View Traceability Report
You can search for issues with their Issue Type, filter the records in the report on the basis of the Execution Result of test cases.
You can view the report in table format. The parent-child relation of artifacts (Requirements, Test Cases, Test Cycles, Test Plans, and Defects) is clearly visible in this format without hampering the view.
Issue Keys are clickable, clicking on which opens relevant issues on a separate page.
The Matrix View displays additional information on the Environment and Executed On for Test Cycles.
Traceability By Test Case
If you want to know which Test Cycles are covered under a particular Test Case, then -
Open Traceability Report by “Test Case”.
Apply the Filter and generate the report.
The results you get will show the Test Case association with multiple Test Cycles.
If the Include Archived Test Cases option is selected while report configuration, the archived test cases are displayed with the Archived tag.
Traceability By Requirement
How Requirement (story) is linked with Test Case?
Open a Jira story and locate the Test Case/Acceptance Criteria panel.
Open the Action menu and select Add to Test Cycle.
It will link Test Cases under that Jira issue to the selected Test Cycle. The Defect linked to Test Cases is displayed in the traceability report.
If you want to know which Test Cases are covered under a particular requirement, then -
Open Traceability Report by “Requirement”.
Apply Filter and generate the report.
The results you get will show the Requirement's association with multiple Test Cases.
Traceability By Defect
If you want to check a particular defect is linked with how many Test Cycles, then -
Open Traceability Report by “Defect”.
Apply Filter and generate the report.
The results you get will show the Defect's association with multiple Test Cycles.
Export Traceability Report
You can export the Traceability Report data to Excel for further analysis and comparison in tabular format in Excel, PDF, and Word (doc, docx). To export the report details in Excel, click on the Export button at the top right.
Export Limits:
A maximum of 1000 rows can be exported to Word and PDF.
A maximum of 10,000 rows can be exported to Excel.
Note: The report export does not include the Test Execution custom fields in it.
View Export Progress and Download the report in Excel, Word, or PDF formats
Once you export the Traceability report to Excel, Word, or PDF, you can verify the progress of the export.
To view the progress of the Export operation, click on the bell icon for View Background Processes.
The Notifications panel opens.
Click the Download File link to download the Excel, Word, or PDF.
View Downloaded Reports
Report exported to PDF
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Report exported to Word
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Report exported to Excel
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