QMetry v8.6 introduces a brand new reporting module. In this guide we will run you through installing QMetry Test Management Reports in your environment.
- QMetry Reports Installation is supported only on Linux - Cent OS 7 and 8, and RHEL 7 and 8. No other OS is certified.
This installation needs to be done on a server separate from QMetry Application Server. Refer QMetry Deployment Document for server configuration details.
Server Configs
Small Teams
< 50 Users
Medium Teams
< 500 Users
Large Teams
500+ Users
Min Max
Stand Alone Server
4 Cores
4 Core
8 Core
16 Core
16 Core
24 - 32 Core
8 GB
16 GB
16 GB
24 GB
32 GB
32 - 64 GB
HDD (Free Space)
100 GB
250 GB
50 GB
100 GB
50 GB
500 GB
- Server should have support of commands : unzip, curl, yum, etc.
- Internet access should be enabled on the server to install using docker.
- Firewall and selinux must be disabled on the server while installing QMetry Reports.
- Ensure Proxy Servers are not blocking downloads from the Internet.
- The Reports Server should be on the same network as the QMetry Application Server. Report server should be able to communicate with the App Server over ports 80/443 and Database port 3306.
- Ports 80/443, 33061 and 8000 should be open and free on the server and not in use by other applications.
- Docker install requires root user access.
- Get the files : Spark_Report_Install.zip by reaching out to QMetry Support by sending an email at qtmprofessional@qmetrysupport.atlassian.net , if you have not received the install files.
Steps to Install QMetry Reports
Step 1 - MySQL Parameters Configuration in AWS RDS (QMetry App DB)
- Login to AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console.
- RDS > Databases > Actions > Stop RDS Service.
- Go to Configurations tab > Parameter Group.
- Search and then add / edit the following parameters.
- sudo su -
- Run command : docker ps to view existing report dockers container names and stop them using below commands
- docker stop qmetryreport8X_report_1 qmetryreport8X_discovery_1 (replace X with the actual number seen in container name)
- Run command : docker logout and then docker login.
- Login with the new docker credentials provided with the install.
Step 3 - Download and unzip the Reports install files
Upload the Spark_Report_Install.zip to the /opt directory of the existing report server and unzip it.
- cd /opt
- unzip Spark_Report_Install.zip
- cd Spark_Report_Install/
Step 4 - Run the reports installer file
- chmod +x spark-install.sh
- sh spark-install.sh
- The install script prompts the following options
Options | Details | Example |
Number of CPU's to allocate | Allocate 3/4th of the available CPUs. For example if CPU has 8 cores, enter 6 To check total CPUs, run the command : lscpu | 6 |
Memory to allocate in GB(s) | Allocate 3/4th of total memory on server. For example for 24GB, enter 18 To check total memory, run the command : free -h | 18 |
- cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/spark_report_spark-apps/_data
- sh ConfigureSyncApp.sh
Once the script finishes executing it will prompt to enter the following parameters
Options | Details | Example |
qmetry-host | QMetry DB Host Public IP/DNS | |
qmetry-port | QMetry App MySQL DB Port. Enter 3306, unless QMetry DB port is different | 3306 |
qmetry-schema | QMetry App DB schema name. Enter : qmetry | qmetry |
qmetry-username | QMetry App DB username. Enter : root | root |
qmetry-password | QMetry App DB password. If it is unchanged from default, enter : qmetry | qmetry |
Reports-host | Enter the static docker IP : as the IP address of QMetry Reports server | |
Reports-port | Enter the port where reports DB is running. Enter : 3306 | 3306 |
Reports-schema | Enter the database schema name of QMetry Reports DB - | qtmanalytics |
Reports-username | Enter username of QMetry Reports DB | root |
Reports-password | Enter password of QMetry Reports DB - qmetryreports@!Nf0# | qmetryreports@!Nf0# |
server-port | Reports Sync Job runs from this port - recommended : 8000 | 8000 |
forceSync | Enter y to sync all the QMetry data to Reports DB with the current script. Always enter y at the time of fresh reports install | Type : y |
Enter Memory to allocate in GB(s) to Spark | Entered memory would be used by the sync job while running a full sync of data. Enter 3/4th of total memory available on server. For example, if memory on server is 24 GB, enter 18 | 18 |
Note: In cases when you need to force sync to re-sync any missing data, just repeat step 43, and skip qll parameter details (by hitting enter) and just enter y when prompted for a force sync.
Wait for the script to finish executing.
- Go to QMetry > Customization > Insight Configuration
- Enter Host : Reports Server Host Public IP/DNS
- Enter Port : 33061
- Enter Username : root
- Enter Password : qmetryreports@!Nf0#
Enter Database Name : qtmanalytics