Table of Contents | ||
POST /rest/testcases/list
Get test case list based on particular ID of test case or folder inside all data or particular version related data.
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
viewId | body | yes | View ID of the user for that particular project and Testcase module. View ID can be fetched from latestViews section of Getinfo API. | - | integer |
folderPath | body | yes | Path of folder whose Testcases are to be fetched | - | string |
start | body | no | Start index of records | - | integer |
limit | body | no | Number of records per page | - | integer |
page | body | no | Page number to be displayed | - | integer |
havingSharedTestcases | body | no | True value will fetch test cases having shared testcases linked with it | - | boolean |
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
folderPath | body | yes | FolderPath of Testcase Folder whose testcases are to be listed | - | string |
showAllStateEntities | body | yes | value "true" | - | boolean |
start | body | no | Start index of records | - | integer |
limit | body | no | Number of records per page | - | integer |
page | body | no | Page number to be displayed | - | integer |
filter | body | yes | Filter test cases for respective bulk operations. The following is explanation of filters:
Example: {\"type\":\"list\",\"value\":[\"Critical\"],\"field\":\"priorityAlias\"}
Example: {\"type\":\"string\",\"comparison\":\"eq\",\"value\":\"JQ-TC-11\",\"field\":\"entityKeyId\"}
Example: {\"type\":\"string\",\"value\":\"Verify Login\",\"field\":\"name\"}
0 Does not display sharable testcases 1 Displays sharable testcases
1 Displays test cases with “In Review” status 2 Displays test cases with “Approved” status | *Note | string |
POST /rest/testcases/list/forRQ
Get test case list based on particular id of requirement.
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
rqID | body | no | Id of Requirement | - | integer |
start | body | no | Start index of records | - | integer |
getLinked | body | no | 'True' to get only those testcases that are linked with this Requirement, 'false' to get those testcases which are not linked with this Requirement | - | boolean |
showEntityWithReleaseCycle | body | no | List only Testcase which have given rqID's release and cycle | - | boolean |
limit | body | no | Number of records per page | - | integer |
page | body | no | Page number to be displayed | - | integer |
getColumns | body | no | True to get list of all available filters(System + UDF) in 'filterTemplate' field | - | boolean |
udfFilter | body | no | Apply filter on user defined fields' values | - | Array[UdfFilter] |
filter | body | no | System filters to be applied | - | Array[Filter] |
Content-Type: application/json
POST /rest/testsuites/list/forTC
Get list of test suites for a test case.
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
start | body | no | Start index of records | - | integer |
showAllStateEntities | body | no | True to get testcases of approved state only, false to get testcases of any state | - | boolean |
getLinked | body | no | 'true' to get testcases linked with this requirement, 'false' to get all testcases | - | boolean |
tsID | body | no | Id of testSuite "tsID" parameter is mandatory when "getLinked" is True. | - | integer |
showEntityWithReleaseCycle | body | no | List only those Testcases which have the same associated releases and cycles as the Testsuite | - | boolean |
limit | body | no | Number of records per page | - | integer |
page | body | no | Page number to be displayed | - | integer |
getColumns | body | no | True to get list of all available filters(System + UDF) in 'filterTemplate' field | - | boolean |
udfFilter | body | no | Apply filter on user defined fields' values | - | Array[UdfFilter] |
filter | body | no | System filters to be applied | - | Array[Filter] |
showUnlinked | body | no | True to get testcases which are not linked with currently selected testsuite(which means it will Hide already linked test cases) | - | boolean |
showUnlinkedForReleaseCycle | body | no | True to get testcases linked with selected release and cycle but not linked with testsuites present in selected release and cycle | - | boolean |
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
tcID | body | yes | EntityKey of Testcase | - | string |
tcVersionId | body | yes | VersionId of Testcase | - | integer |
rqVersionIds | body | yes | Comma-separated list of versionId to the Requirement | - | string |
rqEntitykeys | body | no | Comma-separated list of EntityKey to the Requirement | - | string |
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
tcID | body | yes | EntityKey of Testcase | - | string |
tsIDs | body | yes | Comma-separated value of Testsuite's EntityKey | - | string |
tcVersion | body | yes | Version number of Testcase | - | integer |
testSuiteIds | body | no | Ids of TestSuites | - | integer |
isTsSkip | body | no | If you want to skip already linked Testsuites than pass true else false | - | boolean |
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
tcid | body | yes | Id of Testcase | - | integer |
limit | body | yes | Number of record per page | - | integer |
page | body | no | Page number to be displayed | - | integer |
start | body | yes | Start index of records | - | integer |
tcversion | body | no | Version Number of Testcase | - | integer |
Content-Type: application/json
List Test Cases Linked with Shared Test Case
POST /rest/testcases/list/forSharedTestcase
Content-Type: application/json
name | type | required | description | example |
tcFolderIDs | array[integer] | required | Array of Test Case Folder Ids | |
isBulkOperation | boolean | optional | Is from BulkOperation flag | |
includeRootFolderEntities | boolean | optional | Required to include Root Folder Entities |
name | type | required | description | example |
tcFolderIDs | array[integer] | required | Array of Test Case Folder Ids | |
isBulkOperation | boolean | optional | Is from BulkOperation flag | |
includeRootFolderEntities | boolean | optional | Required to include Root Folder Entities |
Anchor | ||||
name | type | required | description | example |
value | object | required | Value to search based on type of filter | |
comparison | string | required | The comparision operator 'lt' or 'gt' for Date type filter | |
type | string | required | Type of Filter | |
field | string | required | Field name on which filter is to be applied |