Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Once you get your desired report, you can save the report as a Gadget by clicking on the Add Gadget button.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in the QMetry Custom Gadget section > My Gadget tab.

Line Chart

A line chart usually displays the information on a series of data points. Let’s take an example of a Line Chart report.

Report : Generate a report that displays the Count of Issues per a release by priority.

SQL Query

Count Of Issues Per Release By Priority

Code Block
 COUNT(issues.entityKey) as "Count of Issue Entity Key",
 issues.priority as "Issue Priority",
 testexecutions.releaseName as "Executions Release Name",
 testexecutions.cycleName as "Executions Cycle Name"
 FROM testexecutions  
 INNER JOIN testexecutionissue ON testexecutions.tcExecutionID = testexecutionissue.tcExecutionID   
 INNER JOIN issues ON testexecutionissue.issueID = issues.issueID  
 WHERE issues.projectID IN (`@filter.project`)
 AND issues.priority in (`@filter.issues.priority`)
 GROUP BY issues.priority, testexecutions.releaseName

Apply the Filter


Query Output

By default, it gives you output in tabular format. You can modify the output format by switching to the available chart types from the table. In our case, we will switch it to the Line Chart.


You can adjust the Columns based on the requirement to X-Axis, Y-Axis and Cross Tab.

  • X-axis always holds a single Test entity field with any value.

  • Multiple Test entity field on Y-axis creates a stacked chart; Y-axis always contain fields with numeric values.

  • Cross Tab field will help to create a Group Stacked chart.


Once you get your desired report, you can save the report as a Gadget by clicking on the Add Gadget button.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in the QMetry Custom Gadget section > My Gadget tab.

Area Chart

An area chart represents the change in a one or more quantities over time. It is made by plotting a series of data points over time, connecting those data points with line segments, and then filling in the area between the line and the x-axis with color or shading. Let’s take an example of an Area Chart report.

Report : Generate an area chart that displays the Count of the test cases executed per day along with the execution status (i.e. Test Case Execution Per Day)

SQL Query

Test Case Execution Per Day

Code Block
DATE_FORMAT(testexecutions.tcExecutionEndTime, "%m/%d/%Y") "Execution Date",
testexecutions.tcExecutionStatusName "Execution Staus", 
COUNT(1) as "Test Case Count"
FROM testexecutions
WHERE testexecutions.projectID in (`@filter.project`)
AND testexecutions.tcExecutionStatusName NOT IN ("Not Run", "Not Applicable")
GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(testexecutions.tcExecutionEndTime, '%m/%d/%Y'), testexecutions.tcExecutionStatusName

Apply the Filter


Query Output

By default, it gives you output in tabular format. You can modify the output format by switching to the available chart types from the table. In our case, we will switch it to the Area Chart.


You can adjust the Columns based on the requirement to X-Axis, Y-Axis and Cross Tab.

  • X-axis always holds a single Test entity field with any value.

  • Multiple Test entity field on Y-axis creates a stacked chart; Y-axis always contain fields with numeric values.

  • Cross Tab field will help to create a Group Stacked chart.



Once you get your desired report, you can save the report as a Gadget by clicking on the Add Gadget button.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in the QMetry Custom Gadget section > My Gadget tab.

Pie Chart

Pie charts are generated based on count for an entity. Let’s take an example of a Pie Chart report.

Report : A pie chart showing number of issue logged by its status in a Project (Name : Count of Defects By Status For A Project).

SQL Query

Count of Defects By Status For A Project

Code Block
	count(*) as "Issue Count",
	issues.issueStatus as "Issue Status"
FROM issues
WHERE issues.projectID in (`@Filter.project`)
GROUP BY issues.issueStatus

Apply the Filter


Query Output

By default, it gives you output in tabular format. You can modify the output format by switching to the available chart types from the table. In our case, we will switch it to the Pie Chart.


You can adjust the Columns based on the requirement to the Label and Value sections.

  • Label always holds a single Test entity field with any value.

  • Value always holds a single Test entity field with any value (i.e. with numeric values)


Once you get your desired report, you can save the report as a Gadget by clicking on the Add Gadget button.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in the QMetry Custom Gadget section > My Gadget tab.

Doughnut Chart

Doughnut charts are generated based on count for an entity. Let’s take an example of a Doughnut Chart report.

Report : Generate a chart that displays the Count of Issues logged, by their priority for a specific project (Name - Count of Defects By Priority For A Project).

SQL Query

Count of Defects By Priority For A Project

Code Block
issues.priority as "Priority",
count(1) as "Issue Count"
FROM issues
WHERE issues.projectID in (`@Filter.project`)
GROUP BY issues.priority

Apply the Filter


Query Output

By default, it gives you output in tabular format. You can modify the output format by switching to the available chart types from the table. In our case, we will switch it to the Doughnut Chart.


You can adjust the Columns based on the requirement to the Label and Value sections.

  • Label always holds a single Test entity field with any value.

  • Value always holds a single Test entity field with any value (i.e. with numeric values).


Once you get your desired report, you can save the report as a Gadget by clicking on the Add Gadget button.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in the QMetry Custom Gadget section > My Gadget tab.

Cross Table Chart

Cross table reports are two dimensional charts that are grouped on entities at row and column level. Mostly the summary charts are generated using cross tables. Let’s take an example of a Cross Table report.

Report : Generate a report that displays the count of test cases executed for a sprint i.e cycle grouped by their execution status for a project (Name : Summary of Test Case Execution Status By Sprint).

SQL Query

Summary of Test Case Execution Status By Sprint

Code Block
testexecutions.projectName as "Project Name", 
testexecutions.releaseName as "Release Name", 
testexecutions.cycleName as "Sprint", 
testexecutions.tcExecutionStatusName "TestCase Execution Status", 
COUNT(1) as "Execution Count"
FROM testexecutions
WHERE testexecutions.projectID in (`@Filter.project`)
GROUP BY testexecutions.releaseName, testexecutions.cycleName, testexecutions.tcExecutionStatusName

Apply the Filter


Query Output

By default, it gives you output in tabular format. You can modify the output format by switching to the available chart types from the table. In our case, we will switch it to the Cross Table report.


You can adjust the Columns based on the requirement to the Row Header, Column Header, and Values sections.

  • Row Header : Multiple Test Entity fields creates a grouped view in the Row section.

  • Column Header : Multiple Test Entity fields creates a grouped view in the Column section.

  • Values : Multiple/Single Value fields.


Once you get your desired report, you can save the report as a Gadget by clicking on the Add Gadget button.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in the QMetry Custom Gadget section > My Gadget tab.

Scatter Chart

A Scatter chart displays points that show the relationship between two sets of data. Let’s take an example of a Scatter Chart report.

Report : Generate a chart that displays a count of test cases authored in Draft and Approved for Execution day-wise for a Project (i.e. Test Case authoring daily progress - Draft Vs Approved For Execution)

SQL Query

Test Case authoring daily progress - “Draft” Vs “Approved For Execution”

Code Block
DATE_FORMAT(testcases.versionCreatedDate, '%m/%d/%Y') as "Testcase Created Date",
testcases.testCaseStatus as "Status",
COUNT(1) as "Testcase Count"
FROM testcases
WHERE testcases.projectID in (`@filter.project`)
AND testcases.testCaseStatus IN ("Draft", "Approved For Execution")
GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(testcases.versionCreatedDate, '%m/%d/%Y'), testcases.testCaseStatus

Apply the Filter


Query Output

By default, it gives you output in tabular format. You can modify the output format by switching to the available chart types from the table. In our case, we will switch it to the Scatter Chart.


You can adjust the Columns based on the requirement to X-Axis, Y-Axis and Cross Tab.

  • X-axis always holds a single Test entity field with any value.

  • Multiple Test entity field on Y-axis creates a stacked chart; Y-axis always contain fields with numeric values.

  • Cross tab field will help to create a Group Stacked chart.


Once you get your desired report, you can save the report as a Gadget by clicking on the Add Gadget button.



Once you save the gadget, it will be available in the QMetry Custom Gadget section > My Gadget tab.

Gauge Chart

The advance report Guage chart is used to display the percentage of a type from total number of records. Let’s take an example of a Gauge Chart report.

Report : Generate a chart that displays the Percentage of Automated Executions for a combination of a Project, Release, and Cycle.

SQL Query

Percentage Of Automated Executions For A Project, Release, and Cycle

Code Block
COUNT(testcases.entityKey) as "Total Testcase Execution",
COUNT(CASE WHEN testexecutions.isAutoExecuted=1 THEN 1 END) as "Automated Execution",
COUNT(CASE WHEN testexecutions.isAutoExecuted=1 THEN 1 END)/COUNT(testcases.entityKey)* 100 as "Percentage"
FROM testcases
inner join testexecutions on testcases.testcaseID = testexecutions.testcaseID 
and testcases.tcVersion = testexecutions.executedVersion
WHERE testexecutions.projectID in (`@filter.project`)
AND testexecutions.releaseID in (`@filter.release`)
AND testexecutions.cycleID in (`@filter.cycle`)

Apply the FIlter


Query Output

By default, it gives you output in tabular format. You can modify the output format by switching to the available chart types from the table. In our case, we will switch it to the Gauge Chart.


You can adjust the Columns based on the requirement to the Label and Value sections.

  • Label always holds a single Test entity field with any value.

  • Value always holds a single Test entity field with any value (i.e. with numeric values).


Once you get your desired report, you can save the report as a Gadget by clicking on the Add Gadget button.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in the QMetry Custom Gadget section > My Gadget tab.