Table of Contents | ||||||||||
Users can initiate the Worksoft CTM suite from QTM. Worksoft executes the tests (processes) that are part of the suite. QTM monitors the progress of the execution and after completion, imports the results of the test (processes) and associates them with the test cases that are part of the test suite.
Note: Only test case level status will be imported into QTM. The test step-level execution results will not be imported.
A new test suite gets created in QMetry on each event of fetching the results from Worksoft CTM.
Required Permissions:
Users should have the Project Admin rights to configure Worksoft with the QMetry project.
The following table shows the relevant permissions required to carry out further operations.
Module | Rights | Description |
Project | Modify | Users can see the Worksoft CTM option in the Select Automation Tool drop-down and can integrate Worksoft with QTM. |
Automation | View | Users can view triggered execution details. They cannot trigger execution or delete triggered execution. |
Automation | Modify | Users can create/trigger executions, view details, and delete entries for triggered executions. |
Test Cases | Create, Modify, and Execute | Users can import test results from Worksoft into QMetry. |
Test Suites | Create and Modify |
Configure Worksoft CTM
Go to Projects > Automation Tool tab.
Select Automation Tool: Select Worksoft CTM.
Worksoft CTM URL: Mention the URL
Authentication URL:
Tenant ID
Client ID
Click Save.
The Worksoft CTM Suite will be visible under the Integration section on the navigation menu once the Worksoft Integration is done successfully.
Select the Worksoft CTM Suite section under Integration.
You will see the blank Worksoft CTM Suite screen as the integration is done for the very first time.
You can trigger the executions by clicking on the Trigger New Worksoft Suite button available at two places on the screen. One is at the center of the page and another is at the top right corner.
Read more details in the Trigger a New Worksoft Suite section described below.
Worksoft CTM Suite
The screen displays the list of Worksoft CTM Suites triggered through QTM.
You can apply the following filters to find the required suites.
Action: The column displays icons indicating the following actions.
Fetch Result: Once you trigger a new Worksoft Suite, the record gets added on the screen with the Worksoft Status “Triggered”. To import the results into QMetry, click on the Fetch Result icon.
Trigger a new test suite execution with the same test suite and test case fields: If you want to trigger a new suite execution again with the same fields of the test suite and test case, click on the icon.
Worksoft Suite Name
Worksoft Status: Triggered/Completed/Failed
Test Suite Key
QMetry Status
Triggered By: Users by whom the suite execution has been triggered. You can select multiple users on the list.
Triggered On: The date on which the suite execution has been triggered.
Trigger a New Worksoft Suite
A new test suite gets created in QMetry on each event of fetching the results from Worksoft CTM.
The test suites and test cases without steps are created. To reuse the existing test cases, the Summary of test cases will be matched. The created/reused test cases will be linked to the test suites.
The test case level execution status and execution time will be imported after execution. The test step level status will be skipped.
If there is a failure in execution, the error details will be added to the test case level.
1. Go to Integration > Worksoft CTM Suite.
2. Trigger the new Worksoft Suite by clicking on the Trigger Worksoft Suite button.
(A) If you are executing the Worksoft Suite for the very first time, you will see the blank Worksoft CTM Suite screen.
Click on the Trigger New Worksoft Suite button either in the center of the page or at the top right corner of the screen.
(B) If you have triggered the executions before you can see the list of Worksoft Suite names on the screen.
Click on the Trigger New Worksoft Suite button at the top right corner of the screen.
The next screen shows the list of suites created in Worksoft on the screen.
You can filter the records by applying different Filters provided on the panel at left.
3. Click on the Execute button for the Suite that you want to execute in Worksoft.
4. Test Suite Fields and Test Case Fields
Once the execution is triggered, the test suite and test cases will be auto-created. These test suites and test cases will require inputs during creation.
Enter the details in the test suite field values. The test suite will be created with the field values you provided here.
This is because after the execution is triggered, the test suite and the test cases that will be auto-created will need inputs.
The Select Suite Fields and Select Case Fields screen displays the layout of fields as per the set Layout Management for that project.
5. Click on the Next button.
6. Enter the values for the Test Case system fields and custom fields.
7. Click on the Execute button.
The test suite execution will be triggered from QMetry to Worksoft.
The triggered Work Soft Suite is added to the Worksoft CTM Suite screen in QMetry with the “Triggered” status.
To import/fetch the test results into QMetry, click on the Sync icon.
The import from Worsoft has started.
The Worksoft Status and QMetry Status get changed to “Completed” once the import is done successfully.
The icon under the Action column also changed to trigger a new execution.
You can -
A. view the Suite Fields by clicking on the Eye icon.
B. view the Case Fields by clicking on the Eye icon.
C. delete the test suite record by clicking on the Delete icon for that suite. When the entry of the triggered suite execution is deleted, only the record will be deleted. Its relevant QTM test suite created using the Fetch Result process will not be deleted.
A new test suite is created under the Worksoft Suites folder in the Test Suites module.
Clicking on the Test Suite Key on the Worksoft CTM Suite screen opens the test suite in the Test Suites module of QMetry.
Click on the Execute button for the suite to view the test cases linked to the test suite.
The execution screen opens with the test cases linked to the test suite.
You can execute the same Worksoft Suite again using the Trigger New Worksoft Suite button.
Trigger New Executions of Worksoft Suite with the Same Test Suite and Test Case Fields
The Trigger a new execution with the same test suite and test case fields icon in the Action column is enabled exclusively for trigger records with QMetry Status set as Completed.
1. Click on the icon to trigger a new execution with the same test suite and test case fields.
The Worksoft Suite is added with the status “Triggered” status on the screen.
The execution is triggered using the same parameters that were provided from the selected execution.
2. Click on the Sync icon to import/fetch the test results into QMetry.
Import from Worksoft is started.
Test Suite Key is updated in the triggered execution.
Worksoft Status and QMetry Status are updated as “Completed”.
View Progress
You can view the progress of the import of test results from Worksoft CTM in the Scheduled Task section.
For the fetch-result operation, the section shows its current status.
If the import of test results from Worksoft fails, the Failure status is displayed with the Error Log attached to the activity.
View History
The History displays Worksoft Suite triggers logs and QMetry details on fetching results.
Click on the History option at the top right corner.
The screen opens with the list of events that occurred for the Worksoft CTM Suite.
The Test Suite Keys are clickable and provide a reference to the action.