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It opens next screen with fields on it to add a new project.


  • Project Name: Enter name of the Project that is being added. A Project can be the current Project being tested and can contain multiple Releases and Cycles.

  • Project Key: The Project Key is a short-hand reference of the Project Name that will be used as a reference within the Project's test assets. Enter a Project Key with maximum limit of 5 characters. Name can include Alphabets, Number and supported special characters.

  • Description: Enter description regarding the Project.


Enable rich text editor

You can enable the flag to make rich text editor available in modules across the application. The rich text editor is applied to Large Text fields of modules. The settings are applicable at Project level.


Add new LDAP/SAML users to this Project


Use Case: Priority defined by Admin has three values Critical, Major and Low. This is as per customer business rule and Admin does not want users to add any other values than the defined ones. Users import an excel with priority as High, Medium, Trivial or any junk values like P1, P2, P3, etc. To stop users adding unnecessary values to Lists, Admin want to set the Auto Create Values flag Off.


If the values in QMetry are archived, the import will be blocked.


Filter the project records either by Project name you have given to the project or by the Project Key.

Derivation of Test Case Execution Status from Test Case Step Status

The derivation of Execution Status of test case and test step depends on the Derive Test Case Execution status from Test Case step status settings done in the Project module. The settings remain “On” by default, which derives test case execution status from test case step status and vice versa. But there can be scenarios wherein the derivation of execution status is not required. For example, if any of the test steps is getting failed or skipped due to some reason but the user still wants to mark the test case as “Passed”.

To address the need, an option to disable auto-deriving test case execution status from step statuses and vice-versa is provided under Project Settings.

→ Required Permissions: Project “Modify” rights are required to set this flag at the project level.

  • When the Derive Test Case Execution Status from Test Case Step Status settings are turned “On”: By default, the flag remains On. The test case execution status derives from test case step status and vice-a-versa as per the set priority of Execution Status as described in Execution Status Management .

  • When the Derive Test Case Execution Status from Test Case Step Status settings are turned “Off”: When the flag is turned Off, users need to change the test case status manually as it will not get changed as per the status assigned to test steps underneath.

For more details, refer to Test Executions Screen


Configure Resolved Status for Reports


The following reports will be generated in accordance with the configuration:

  • Resolved Issue Verification (under Issue Analysis Report)

  • Issue Created vs. Resolved (under Issue Trends Report)


Audit logs are also maintained for the changes made to the “Make Build selection mandatory during execution” settings.

Note: Bulk Execution performed on the “Bulk Execute” screen (Test Suite > Test Execution tab > Bulk Execute) is exempted from mandatory build selection. All the bulk executions from this screen will be performed on None build.

Steps to make a build selection mandatory while creating a new project:

  1. Go to Projects > Project/Release/Cycle.

  2. Click on the New button to create a new project.

  3. Select Enable the Make Build selection mandatory during execution check box option to make the build selection mandatory before proceeding towards execution.


Steps to make a build selection mandatory while editing an existing project:

  1. Go to Projects > Project/Release/Cycle. You can see the list of created projects.

  2. Open the project by clicking on the project name. The edit screen opens.

  3. Select Enable the Make Build selection mandatory during execution check box option to make the build selection mandatory before proceeding towards execution.


Users can edit values of Project Name and Description, and change other settings .

  1. Go to Projects > Project/ReleaeRelease/Cycle. It displays the list of Projects of which you have rights.

  2. Open project detail page by clicking on the Project name on the list.

  3. Hover the mouse over Project Name and Description to change respective values by clicking on the Edit icon.

  4. Configure settings for Enable Rich Text, Add in LDAP/SAML by Default  and Auto Create Values.


  1. available options.

Archiving Projects

You can archive Projects which are no more required. Users with "Modify" Project rights can archive projects. The rights also allow the users to archive Release and Cycle.


  1. Go to Projects > Project/Release/Cycle.

  2. It displays the list of Projects of which you have rights.

  3. Click on the Archive button for the Project that you want to archive. The project is archived after confirmation.


You can also archive project from project detail page. Open the project detail page and click on the Archive icon at the top right corner of the screen.


  • Archived Releases and Cycles will be hidden on the respective lists across all modules.

  • Once a project is archived, the project name will not appear on the Project list.

  • Archived projects can not be edited.


  1. Once a project is archived, there are two buttons enabled for it – Unarchive and Delete.

  2. Click on the Unarchive button to unarchive the archived project.

Cloning a Project

Note: User should have “Clone” rights for Project to be able to clone the project.


For the Clone activity that has been carried out, you can view the details of Activity Executed By, Source Project, and Destination Project.


Deleting Projects

Users can delete a project only if it is archived.

1. First, archive the Project as described in Archiving Projects.

2. To view archived projects on the Projects screen, select the Show Archived check box on the Project list view.

Once the Project is archived, then only you can see the Delete button on the screen. Users can delete a project only if it is archived.

3. Click on the Delete button to delete the project.


Unarchive a Project

1. To view archived projects on the Projects screen, select the Show Archived check box on the Project list view.

Once the Project a project is archived, then only you can see there are two buttons enabled for it – Unarchive and Delete.

2. Click on the Unarchive button on to unarchive the screenarchived project.

Assign a Project to Users

After users have been added (as described in the article Users) you can link users to a project and control their permissions. You should be a Project Administrator to use this functionality.  Each project has its separate data, users and settings. When a user is linked to a project, they can access the project in accordance with the role assigned to them. 


  1. Open the Project detail page by clicking on the Project name. It opens the screen with tabs on it.

  2. Open the Users tab. It lists out all the users associated with the Project, in other words, the users who are allowed to use the Project. The columns display Name, Username, Role, and Status details of the user.

  3. To open the list of available users, click on the Link button above the grid.

  4. Select users and their Role for the project.

  5. To link a single user, click on the Link icon for the user.

  6. To link multiple users, select users and then click on the Link Selected Users button at the bottom.


To add a new user click on the Create New User link available beside the Link button above the grid.
