Version 2.3
Summary: Improvements
- Improved pagination experience on Story, Test case, Test Scenario and Test Run issue types for linked assets.
- Easy re-ordering of linked assets on Story, Test Scenario and Test Run pages.
- Added ability to select all assets across pages while adding issues on Story, Test case, Test Scenario and Test Run pages.
- Added option to hide already linked test cases while adding them to a Test Scenario.
- Testers can choose to rebuild/refresh All OR selected test cases on Test Run screen.
- Traceability Report now provides an option of filter issues by Execution Status or having bugs linked. Tree view will also display the count of linked bugs.
- Resized “Reuse issue” window on Story and Test Scenario pages to show more issues while linking test cases.
- Re-index configuration setting now allow Admins to clean-up issues which no longer exist in Jira but exist in QMetry.