Release Date: 2018-08-01
Version 2.80
Summary: Improvements
Manage Test Case View Improvements
- Personalize test case view by choosing more columns and rearranging them.
- Quick in place edit of test case summary & steps details.
- Sort folders alphabetically or by created date; Sort test cases by key or created by.
- Copy folders along with test cases.
- Clone test cases directly using the cog button.
- Added rename / copy / delete folders options on right click menu.
- Delete folder provides an option to move test cases to a chosen folder.
- Search QMetry enabled projects using Name or Key.
- See latest execution result of test case on the view.
General Improvements
- Import/Export tool now export & import test cases along with the folder path.
- Associated Test Runs on Story, Test case & Test Scenario page will be sorted as per their latest association.
- Added Open API’s for folder operations.
- Added JQL functions to ‘get test cases linked with specific folder’, ‘get defects linked with test runs’ and ‘get test runs having defects’.