New issues will be synced as requirements as per the added Issue Type.
Configure System and Custom Jira fields for QMetry Module
QMetry displays default Jira issue fields in QMetry Modules. Project Admin can choose to display Jira system and custom fields as per project needsrequirements. The Configuration of custom fields has to be done separately for every configured Jira Project and Issue Type.
QMetry provides more flexibility to the administrators in the terms of syncing only the needed fields in QMetry, rather than syncing all the Jira system fields.
Project admins can now deactivate syncing for specific Jira System Fields within QMetry Requirements and Issues for selected Jira Issue Types. These fields include Description, Component, Fix Version, Priority, Labels, Attachments, Affected Version, Environment, and Assignee.
Project admins can now sync separate Jira Issue fields for viewing issue details in QMetry and creating issues from QMetry when configuring Jira Issue Types as QMetry Issues.
The following Jira field types are supported in QMetry:
B. Sync: It will sync only those issue values that are recently updated in Jira based on their updated date.
Requirement Mapping
While mapping the Jira Issue Type with the QMetry Requirements module, you can make the Jira fields visible or hidden on the Requirements module screen.
Project admins can also deactivate syncing for specific Jira system fields within QMetry Requirements for selected Jira Issue Types. These fields include Description, Component, Fix Version, Priority, Labels, and Attachments.
These fields remain always visible by default and cannot be hidden: Summary, Issue Type, External Key, External Project, Created Date, Updated Date, Resolved Date, and Reporter.
Select the Jira fields (custom/system) you want to map to QMetry and display in requirements. Jira system fields and mandatory custom fields are selected by default. You can keep the fields selected or remove the selection of the fields that you do not want to sync with QMetry. Mapping of Jira fields also affects the listing of fields for hierarchy.
Click Save once you are done selecting or deselecting the Jira fields.
Issue Mapping
While mapping the Jira Issue Type with the QMetry Issue module, you can make the Jira fields visible or hidden on the Issue screen.
View: If the Jira field is selected under the View column, it will be visible on the list and the detailed view of the issues in QMetry. If the field is not selected, it will not be displayed on the screen.
Create: If the Jira field is selected under the Create column, it will be visible on the Create screen while creating a new issue in QMetry. You can add values to these fields. If the field is not selected, it will not be displayed on the screen.
Note: When the Description field is unchecked, the steps to reproduce the issue will not be auto-populated in the description while creating an issue through the QMetry execution screen.
If both permissions for a field are absent, users cannot view the field details on the test asset's details page. The field columns on the module list view will display "Not mapped for syncing" for these restricted fields.
While mapping the Jira Issue Type with the QMetry Issue module, you can set the “View” and “Create” permissions for the Jira field.
Click Save once you set the required permissions for the Jira field.
Display of Issue fields in Jira and QMetry
In Jira, all Jira fields will be visible irrespective of the permission settings during Jira Field Configuration in QMetry.
In QMetry, the Jira fields will be accessible to the users as per the set configuration.
View: If the Jira field is selected under the View column, it will be visible on the list and the detailed view of the issues in QMetry. If the field is not selected, it will not be displayed on the screen.
Create: If the Jira field is selected under the Create column, it will be visible on the Create screen while creating a new issue in QMetry. You can add values to these fields. If the field is not selected, it will not be displayed on the screen.
In cases where both “View” and “Create” permissions for a field are absent, users cannot view the field details on the test asset's details page. The field columns on the module list view will display the "Not mapped for syncing" text for these restricted fields.
Jira’s system and custom fields can be configured (enabled/disabled) for each Jira issue type integrated with the QMetry project.
Note: Jira system fields will be visible in the reports irrespective of the configuration of the Jira system field in QMetry. It means the Jira system fields will still be visible in the reports even if that system field is not selected in the issue type configuration.
You can sync the mapped Jira custom fields in the QMetry Insight module for Visual Reports and Advanced Query Reports. Read more about Sync Fields to Reports.
Note: At least one of the Jira Projects should be integrated with the Issue Module. Once the Jira is integrated with the QMetry project the internal issue module will be disappeared from the QMetry project.