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QMetry panel in Jira now has separate sections for synced requirements, linked test cases and BDD details.
Sync Requirements from Jira to QMetry
Once Jira Project is configured with QMetry Project and Mapping of issue type with QMetry Requirement module is done. Requirements will be imported in the Requirement module as per the selected folder while Jira integration. Syncing of Jira fields is unidirectional i.e. from Jira to QMetry. Once the requirements are imported only the QMetry fields can be edited, the Jira fields will be Read Only.
Requirements get imported into a default “Import” folder (i.e. setup while integrating Jira Project issue types) in QMetry.
Things to know:
Jira Synced Requirements, imported to the above set default “Import” folder, can be moved to other folders.
Synced Requirements that are moved, do not get re-imported to the default “Import” folder again, and they continue to sync in the folders where they are moved.
You can not archive (and subsequently delete) a default set “Import” folder in which requirements get imported from Jira.
You can not archive any folder that contains Jira Synced Requirements (including archived requirements).
To archive (and then delete) such folders, all requirements that exist in the folder must be moved to a different folder.
To Archive folder having archived requirements
a. First un-archive the requirements.
b. Bulk Move the requirements to other folders.
c. Archive the now un-archived requirements again, if required.
d. Now the empty folder can be archived/deleted.
Requirement detail screen displays below information of Jira issues :
Jira Fields - System and Custom Fields. Jira fields Sprint and Labels fields are also synced in QMetry.
Latest 10 Comments & Attachments from Jira issue.
Test case linkages to Requirement are shown in Jira on the issue page under the QMetry panel.
QMetry Project: It displays QMetry Projects with which the Jira story is synced. If the story is synced in more than one QMetry project, the drop-down will show more than one QMetry Project.
Once you select the project, QMetry Key populates for the issue synced in QMetry as a requirement.
Jira New View: Clicking on the QMetry button navigates you to the QMetry panel.
Jira Old View:
View Test Execution Details
The Test Case section on the Story page shows the details of the test case and its execution. The test cases which are linked to the story but are not linked to test suite execution would not be displayed in this section. You can filter the test case execution records and can also view the test case execution summary.
Use Case: A developer/product manager wants to view the test case execution summary on the story page in Jira. Executions can be filtered on releases, cycles, platforms, build and test suites. The test execution summary is displayed accordingly.
Filter Test Case Executions
You can filter executions to view required ones.
Click on the Filter icon in the Test Case section to filter test case executions. The Execution Filters section expands on the screen. You can filter the test executions on Release, Cycle, Platform, Build and Test Suite Keys. Apply filters to view relevant records on the screen. The applied execution filters will get reset after refresh.
To close the section, click Cancel ( X ).
Note: The test execution filters do not apply to cross-project test suites and executions. Use Test Suite Keys to filter cross-project executions.
View Test Case Execution Summary
Click on the graph icon to view test case execution summary and statistics. If the filter is applied as described above, then the statistics on the screen will be displayed accordingly.
Note: Unplanned test cases are excluded from Execution Summary.
A. Select from the options Latest i.e. latest execution or All i.e. all executions .
B. Click to view all the summary of statuses. All custom statuses will also be displayed.
C. Count of issues linked to test cases and steps during the execution.
The display of graph will get reset after refresh.
To close the section, click Cancel ( X ).
Sync Issues (Defects/Bugs) from Jira to QMetry
Once Jira Project is configured with QMetry Project and Mapping of issue type with QMetry Issue module is done. Users can create a new issue from QMetry to Jira while executing test cases, link existing issues of Jira and view already linked issues. The issue can be linked to Test Cases or Test Case steps.
QMetry Issue module will still be visible even if the QMetry Project is integrated with Jira Project. Refer to Projects using Jira integration for Issue (Bug) Tracking for more details.
Create Jira issues from the Test suite execution window
Test case and Step details are automatically added to the Issue Description.
Jira New View:
Jira Old View:
The Test Case section in Jira will show the details of the test case.
Link existing Jira issues (already created) from the Test suite execution window
View already linked/newly created issues on the Test suite execution window.
Sync Deletion of Requirements/Issues in Jira
QMetry is more synced with Jira. When a requirement/issue is deleted in Jira, the same requirement/issue also gets deleted in QMetry.
Linking Issue to Requirement in QMetry
For QMetry projects integrated with Jira, having Jira Stories and Bugs synced in QMetry as Requirements and Issues - when Bugs are directly linked to Requirements in QMetry, those Bugs will appear as Issue Links in Jira Story Page.
The Issue Links in Jira are created only when the user has authenticated with their Jira credentials in QMetry. Issue links are generated in Jira by a cron job that runs every 5 minutes.
To authenticate users need to go to QMetry > Integrations > Integrations.
Go to the Integrations tab > Click on Options the cog icon > Configure. Enter the Jira Credentials.
The following image displays Bugs directly linked to Requirements in QMetry.
If the requirement is associated with test cases, then issues linked to the test cases (either directly or indirectly through execution) will also appear on the Issues tab of that requirement.
The linked issue gets displayed in the corresponding story/issue in Jira under the Linked Issues section if the story and issue linked in QMetry are from the same Jira instance.
If the issue is unlinked in requirement in QMetry, the issue in Jira also gets unlinked from the corresponding story/issue in Jira. The linkage relation will not be displayed in Jira anymore.
If an Issue link is deleted from Jira Story for an Issue Linked to QMetry Requirement, it does unlink the bug in QMetry Requirement.
If an Issue link is added in a Jira Storyin Jira for a Requirement Imported in QMetry. The issues will not be auto-linked in QMetry.
The story in Jira reflects linked issues under the Linked Issues section as “relates to”.
Clicking on the issue key in the Issue links opens the issue details page in Jira.
The QMetry Test Case panel will show the details of the Test Case and the Test Execution on which this bug is logged.
Test Case will have two tabs: Test Case Steps and Executions.
The Test Case Steps tab shows steps under the test case.
The Executions tab shows the execution during which the issue was logged.
If the issue is directly linked to the test case without its execution, then the Executions tab will not show any execution details.