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In this guide we'll run you through installing QMetry Test Management application and QMetry Reports on your windows environment. 

2 Tier Install 

Server 1QMetry App and MySQL DB
Server 2QMetry Reports

Pre-requisites for QMetry Application Install

  1. QMetry Installation is supported on Windows 10
  2. Two Windows Servers are required: One for QMetry Application and the other for QMetry Reporting.
  3. Google Chrome browser needs to be installed on the server where QMetry App is being installed on the below location.
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
  4. Visual C++ 2013 should be installed in server (Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013). Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, to verify if it is installed.
    • It can be downloaded from this link if required.
  5. Ports 80/443 should free on Windows Server and not in use by other applications or programs.
  6. Application and Report servers should be in the same network. Report Server should be able to communicate with Application Server over 80/443 and Database Server 3306/DB Port. Ports 8080 and 3306 should be enabled/open on Reports Server to allow connections from QMetry application server.
  7. Ensure command prompt can be run as administrator user, before starting the install on both QMetry and Report servers.
    • Start > type 'cmd' and check for the "Run as administrator" option.
  8. We recommend allocating enough space on the server to ensure QMetry has space to save your data.
    • Data of QMetry database is saved under : C:\Program Files\mysql-5.7.29-winx64\data
    • Data of QMetry attachments added is saved in the directory chosen at the time of the installation OR C:\attachments, if left unchanged. 
  9. Get the following files : QMetry-Windows-Install.zipQMetry-Windows-Report-Installer.zip and license.key
  10. Post installation QMetry Application and QMetry Report both should be configured either on https or http.
  11. If you are planning Jira integration with QMetry and Jira is running on https, make sure your QMetry is also running over https protocol. QMetry and Jira should run on the same protocol.
  12. Following Ports should be open:
InstallationPorts that need to be enabled and should be available for use
QMetry Application80/443 & 3306
QMetry Reporting Tool80/443, 8080 & 3306

Installing QMetry Application

Hardware Requirements 

Supported OS : Windows 10


Small Teams 

< 50 Users

Medium Teams

< 500 Users

Large Teams

500+ Users









Stand Alone Server


2 Cores

4 Core

8 Core

12 Core

16 Core

24 Core


8 GB

16 GB

16 GB

24 GB

24 GB

32 - 64 GB

HDD (Free Space)

100 GB

250 GB

100 GB

500 GB

100 GB

500 GB

This is the most straightforward way to get your production site up and running on a Windows server.

Step 1. Get the QMetry Test Management Application and Reports Install zip files.

  • You will receive the installer package QMetry-Windows-Install.zip and QMetry-Windows-Report-Installer.zip

Step 2. QMetry is installed on the same location where the installation is run from. Copy the QMetry-Windows-Install.zip to C:/ and unzip it. The install or QMetry folders should not be moved post installation.

  • Ensure after unzipping, the extracted folder is available as C:\QMetry-Windows-Install
  • Go to Start > Type cmd and select "Run as administrator" option to open command prompt with admin privileges.
  • In the command prompt go the unzipped install folder, and execute the install batch file.
    • cd C:\QMetry-Windows-Install
    • qmetrywindows.bat
  • This will begin installing QMetry on Apache Tomcat Version 9.0, MySQL 5.7.29 (64 bit) and Open JDK 11. Wait for the process to complete, after which you will prompted to setup QMetry.
  • You'll be requested to enter the following information:

Default Value
Comments/ Example
Do you want to upgrade an existing version of QMetryNoType - No
Set a password for QMetry admin login


Password Policy - it must contain minimum 8 characters with at least one special character, at least one alphabet and at least one number. Allowed special characters are !@#$%^&*()

Re-enter the Password

-Above Password
Set Email address for QMetry Admin-john.doe@qmetry.com
Set JVM Minimum Heap Memory in GB3 GB3
Set JVM Maximum Heap Memory in GB6 GB6

Set DB Connection Pool Size



Set Database Host

localhost(Enter QMetry DB Server Public IP/DNS) or localhost in case QMetry DB is being installed on the same server.

Set Database Port

Set Database Schema Nameqmetryqmetry

Set Database Username


Set Database Password


Set Attachments Path


Set SAML Config Path



Once the process completes, a separate command line window with tomcat server will be launched. Once you see the message "INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [n] milliseconds", you can proceed with the next step.

Step 3. Getting your QMetry License and Installing it.

  1. For users evaluating QMetry
    • You should have received an evaluation license valid for 30 days along with the installation.
  2. For users requiring commercial license
    • Server's domain name and mac address are required to generate your QMetry License. Follow the below steps to get your server mac address and send this information along with the domain name to QMetry Support to get your QMetry License generated. Send an email to qtmprofessional@qmetrysupport.atlassian.net to reach QMetry Support.
      • Execute the below command to get your server mac address. Then send the MAC address to QMetry Support to receive license file.
        • getmac and copy the Hardware Address of your Network Adapter in use.
      • Once you receive license.key from QMetry Support, follow steps below to apply the license.
  3. Steps to Apply License.
    1. Backup your existing license.key to the same location:
      • Go to C:\QMetry-Windows-Install\QMetry\bin
      • Rename your existing license.key to license.key.old
    2. Copy the new license.key to the same location C:\QMetry-Windows-Install\QMetry\bin

Step 4Restart QMetry Services

  • Go to Run > Type services.msc. Restart the services in the following order.
    1. Restart : MySQL service
    2. Restart : "qmetry" service listed as Apache Tomcat 9.0 qmetry

Step 5. Access QMetry application using the following address.


  1. QMetry login credentials
    • Username: admin, Password: (entered during above setup step 2)
  2. MySQL 5.7.29 will be installed on port 3306. User name and password should be as entered during the above setup step 2, if unchanged; as follows:
    • Username : root, Password : qmetry, Schema : qmetry

Note : This installation installs QMetry over Apache Tomcat Version 9.0, MySQL 5.7.29 (64 bit) and Open JDK 11.

Step 6. After the above steps are completed, log into QMetry application.

  • Go to "Admin" Profile and Edit the Profile.
  • Enter Base URL as your QMetry URL.

Step 7. Additional Tomcat Configuration

QMetry is installed with a default configuration of minimum and maximum heap memory utilization. These settings need to be modified depending on your hardware configuration and number of users accessing QMetry. Refer Additional Tomcat Configuration (Windows) for more details.

Installing QMetry Reports

If you have purchased Advanced Reporting then you will need a separate server for QMetry Reporting.

This step we'll run you through installing QMetry Test Management Reports in your windows environment.

Hardware Configurations Recommended

Supported OS : Windows 10

 Server Configurations

Small Teams  < 50 Users

Medium Teams < 500 Users

Large Teams  500+ Users

Stand Alone Server









4 Cores

4 Core

8 Core

16 Core

16 Core

24 - 32 Core


8 GB

16 GB

16 GB

24 GB

32 GB

32 - 64 GB

HDD (Free Space)

100 GB

250 GB

50 GB

100 GB

50 GB

500 GB

Important Pre-requisites

  1. The Reports Installation should be done on a separate server, and not on the QMetry App Server.
  2. Visual C++ 2013 should be installed in server (Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013).
    • Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, to verify if it is installed.
    • It can be downloaded from this link if required.
  3. The QMetry Application server should allow incoming connections from Reports Server on ports : 80, 443, 8080 and 3306.

Steps to Install QMetry Reports

Step 1 - Connect to Report Server, download the install file and unzip it.

Download the QMetry-Windows-Report-Installer.zip to the C:/ drive of the Report server and unzip it. Under C:\ you should have the following folder structure. The install or Reports folders generated during install must not be moved.


Step 2 - Run the reports installer file

  • Go to Start > Type cmd and select "Run as administrator" option to open command prompt with admin privileges.
  • In the command prompt go the unzipped install folder, and execute the install batch file.
    • cd C:\QMetry-Windows-Report-Installer\QMetry-Windows-Report-Installer
    • qmetryreportswindows.bat
  • The install script runs for a few minutes and then prompts to Install Python for Windows. Select the option "Add Python 3.6 to PATH" and then Click "→ Install Now"

  • Once the Python installation completes and you click "Finish", return to the command prompt to continue with the installation. You will be prompted to set the following parameters.
Enter Mysql Database Host IP / DNS Name (Qmetry)
QMetry App DB Host Public IP or DNS Name10.10.11.100
Enter Mysql Database Port (Qmetry)
QMetry App MySQL DB Port. Enter 3306, unless QMetry DB port is different3306
Enter Mysql Database Schema (Qmetry)
QMetry App DB schema name. Enter : qmetryqmetry
Enter Mysql Database Username (Qmetry)
QMetry App DB username. Enter : rootroot
Enter Mysql Database Password (Qmetry)
QMetry App DB password. If it is unchanged from default, enter : qmetryqmetry
Enter Mysql Database Host IP / DNS Name (Reports)
(Enter QMetry Report  Server Public IP/DNS) or localhost in case reports are being installed on the same serverlocalhost
Enter Mysql Database Port (Reports)
Enter the port where reports DB is running. Enter : 3306


Enter Mysql Database Schema (Reports)
Enter the database schema name of QMetry Reports DB - qtmanalytics
Enter Mysql Database Username (Reports)
Enter username of QMetry Reports DBroot
Enter Mysql Database Password (Reports)
Enter password of QMetry Reports DB - qmetryreports@!Nf0#qmetryreports@!Nf0#
Enter Port To Start SyncJob (Reports)
Reports Sync Job runs from this port - 80808080
Do you want to Run Force Sync Now ? (y/n)
Enter to sync all the QMetry data to Reports DB with the current script. Always enter y at the time of fresh reports installType : y

Wait for the script to finish executing.

Step 4 - Restart Reports Services

To restart report services, close the .jar command prompts to stop the reports services. Execute the run.bat batch file to start the reports services again from the below location.

  • C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/StartUp/

 Step 5 - Login to QMetry with 'admin' user login, and configure the reports server URL in the configuration menu

Go to QMetry > Customization > Insight Configuration

  • Under Database Configuration tab
    • Enter Host : Reports Server Host Public IP/DNS
    • Enter Port : 3306
    • Enter Username : root
    • Enter Password : qmetryreports@!Nf0#
    • Enter Database Name : qtmanalytics

Click Test to ensure successful connection and then hit "Test & Save"

  • Under Sync Data tab, setup the Report Data Sync from your reports server to QMetry Reporting. 
    • Report Server URL : This should be set to your report server domain URL followed by port 8080 as shown below. Ensure port 8080 is open on the reports server.
    • Click on Test to ensure successful connection and then hit "Test & Save".
    • Hit "Sync Data" to start Reports Data Sync.

Note : "Sync Data" is required first time after reports installation. Time taken to sync depends on amount of data in QMetry. Sync Progress and Status can be monitored as shown in the below screenshot. QMetry custom reports remain inaccessible during a sync in progress and is recommended to be run only during off-peak hours.

Users can start using QMetry Reports when the sync is completed. QMetry remains available during this time.


  • Some anti-virus or Internet security tools may interfere with the QMetry Test Management installation process and prevent the process from completing successfully. If you experience or anticipate experiencing such an issue with your anti-virus/Internet security tool, disable them tool first before proceeding with the QMetry Test Management installation.
  • You can also refer to How to Configure Tomcat with SSL Certificate.

If you are facing any issues during the installation process, write us at qtmprofessional@qmetrysupport.atlassian.net. This will automatically open a ticket with our support team and help you to follow the progress.

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