
Execution Status is regarding the status that testers assign to test cases looking at their results while execution. QMetry provides System Default Statuses: Passed, Failed, Blocked, Not Run, and Not Applicable.

Users can add new statuses as per requirement.

User can edit and archive only those statuses which are added in addition to the default statuses. System Default Statuses are not allowed to be edited or archived.


  1. Expand Customization on the sidebar and select Execution Status. Permissions for Customization are allocated from Customization > Roles.
  2. The Execution Status screen opens.

Users can add new statuses and corresponding icons. They can also edit name and icon of existing statuses.

If Jira is configured as an external tracker, then changes in status icon also reflect in Jira for the entities.

Renaming/Editing Execution Status Names

User can add new Execution Status and rename default Execution Status. The nomenclature set here is maintained at Domain level. User will find the same status names across all Releases and Cycles under one Domain.

Look at the Execution Status grid pane on the screen.

  1. To rename an Default Run Status, click the edit icon under the Edit column for the row.
  2. A text field appears for the cell with Save and Cancel buttons on it.
  3. Enter name you want to identify the status with.
  4. Click Save.

The status names set here will reflect on the Test Suite Execution screen in the Test Suite module. The names will also be applied in other applicable places like graphs, reports, etc. throughout QMetry wherever it refers to test case step/test case/test suite status.


The execution history shows test suite TS1 with status “Blocked”. Now the user changes the Status Run Name from “Blocked” to “Super Blocked” and also changes the icon.

As a result, the Execution History of TS1 shows its status as “Super Blocked” with the new icon.

The edited value of the status immediately reflects in the execution history.

Reset to Default Run Status

Default Run Status column displays default status provided by QMetry. Status Run Name column displays user defined names of status. Now if you prefer to use the original terminology for status that has defined by QMetry, then just click the Reset to Default Run Status button on the toolbar. All the execution status will reset to the default status (i.e name and icons) defined by QMetry. On resetting to Default Run Status, all the user defined statuses will get archived.

Note: The Reset to Default RunStatus button will be accessible if the user has Status Management rights of create, update, and delete.

Default Status Priority

The status priority defined here is applicable for test case steps and will ultimately determine the status of a test case.

For example, the following table shows a test case that contains four test steps and demonstrates how the status of each test step affects the status of the test case.

Test Step 1Blocked Failed Passed Not Run Failed
Test Step 2Failed Not Run Passed Passed Passed
Test Step 3Not Run Passed Passed Passed Failed
Test Step 4Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed
Test CaseBlocked Failed Passed Not Run Failed

From the above table we can see that –

Adding a New Status

Click on the New button on the header.

Fields to add execution status are displayed on the screen.

Setting Level/Priority of a New Status

The sequence of the system default statuses i.e. Blocker, Fail, Not Run, Pass, and Not Applicable represents their priority, which is not changeable. User can add New Status anywhere in between the system statuses.

For example, a new status “Partial Pass” is added in between the “Pass' and “Not Run” status.

The screen displays two selection drop-down lists to define the priority of the new status that is being created.

It is mandatory to set priority of the new status. Once the priority is assigned, it cannot be changed.

Archiving an Execution Status

User can archive execution status which are no more in use. When a status nomenclature becomes unusable, user can not delete it but he can mark it as "Archive" to stop showing it on the execution status list.

Only user defined status can be archived. System default status can not be archived.

Note : You cannot modify the above setting if customization package is disabled on your QMetry instance.