
The Roles module of QMetry allows Admin to create different user roles that encompass a set of assigned rights. A user role defines user’s capability to access the modules and carry out functions under the role rights.

Once you are done with creating roles, you can assign the roles to individual QMetry users when they are added to QMetry Projects. User roles are assigned from Customization > Roles. You can change a user’s role for a Project anytime later.

On login the users will be able to view only those modules permitted to their roles. Other modules will not be visible to the users of that particular role. In case of features, they appear disabled if the role assigned to users does not have any permissions for it.

Creating a User Role

1. Expand Customization and select Roles on the side bar.

2. Click on the New button on the top right corner of the screen.

3. It opens the Create Roles screen with fields to create a new role. Enter the following details.

Module Permissions

Permissions available if Customization App is enabled 

The matrix of Modules and Rights are available on the screen. Admins can choose to provide selective rights for the different modules. 

ViewIt allows users to view the module.
CreateIt allows users to create new records for the module.
ModifyIt allows users to update the details of the module.
DeleteIt allows users to delete the records of the module.
ExecuteIt allows users to execute test case and test suite.
ImportIt allows users to import entities like requirement, test case, test suite and issue.
ExportIt allows users to export entities like requirement, test case, test suite and issue.
LinkIt allows users to link entities like requirement, test case, test suite and issue.
CopyIt allows users to copy entities like requirement, test case, test suite and issue.
VersioningIt allows users to create and manage versions of requirement and test case.

Admin can also choose to Apply or Clear all rights using the following buttons. 

Remember : The permissions are assigned to a Role. It means all the users with that role for that project will have similar rights over the modules.

→ User module: The following rights are made independent of each other. The control settings for deactivating the users are kept separate so that the teams can create users without the control of deactivating any existing user.

→ Project module: The following rights are independent of each other. These granular rights ensure that Create/Modify/Clone/Delete rights can be allocated separately only to the relevant users who need those permissions.

These rights are related to Project only. Release and Cycle rights are regulated separately.

System admin can regulate project admin permissions.

→ Automation: Users with “Modify” rights will be able to import automation results and create assets in QMetry. It allows you to configure and use QMetry Automation Agent to schedule and trigger the execution. It allows you to generate Automation API Keys.

→ Jira Integration: Users with “View” rights will be able to view Integration and Jira Scheduler Status. Users with “Modify” rights can do Jira Integration with QMetry projects, map Jira issue types with QMetry Requirement/Issue module, configure custom Jira fields for QMetry modules, and sync Jira issues and/or its project metadata.

→ Report: QMetry System Reports module will only be visible if the user has the “View” rights for Report. Similarly, users can make any changes within the module only if they have the “Modify” rights for Report.

→ QMetry Insight: Users with “View” rights will be able to view Custom Gadgets. Users with “Modify” rights can write custom queries in QMetry and save them as gadgets. It allows you to modify your created custom gadgets.

Report Module Rights

QMetry Insight Module Rights










Users can view System reports and shared dashboard.





Users can view System reports, create custom dashboard and view shared dashboard.





Users can view Custom Gadgets.





Users can write custom queries in QMetry and save them as gadgets. Modify right allows you to modify your created custom gadgets.

Once you are done with allocating rights, click Create to create the user role with the permissions.

Permissions available if Customization App is disabled

Admin can assign "View" and "Modify" rights for the following QMetry modules:

The matrix of Modules and Rights are available on the screen. Admins can choose to provide selective rights for the different modules.

ViewIt allows users to view the module.
ModifyIt allows users to update the details of the module.

Admin can also choose to Apply or Clear all rights usign the following buttons. 

Remember : The permissions are assigned to a Role. It means all the users with that role for that project will have similar rights over the modules.

Once you are done with allocating rights, click Create to create the user role with the permissions.

Editing User Roles

  1. Expand Customization and select Roles on the side bar. The screen displays list of created Roles.
  2. To update details of an existing role, click on the Edit button for the role you want to edit. It opens Edit screen for Role which is in editable mode.
  3. Make required changes and click Update.

Deleting User Roles

  1. Expand Customization and select Roles on the side bar. The screen displays list of created Roles.
  2. To delete a user role, click on the Delete button for the role you want to delete.

QMetry Report Rights