Enable QMetry permissions to be able to manage access of users for different modules like Test Case, Test Cycle, Test Plan or for Configuration, Exploratory Testing, Import, Export etc.

Steps to enable QMetry Permissions

  1. From the Projects drop-down on the Jira main menu, select the Project for which you want to enable the QMetry Permissions.

  2. Click on the Project Settings at the bottom left on the navigation bar.

3. On the Project settings page, click on the QMetry Permissions at the bottom left on the navigation bar.

Permissions is disabled by default.

  1. Enable the Permissions to enable configuration setup for different modules.

Module wise Permissions

Admin can assign module wise permissions to users/groups. The permissions are described below.




It allows users to view the module.


It allows users to create new records for the module.


It allows users to update the details of the module.


It allows users to delete the records of the module.

Test Cycle Execute

It allows users to execute the Test cycle.


It allows users to import test cases.


It allows users to export entities like test cases.


It allows users to create and manage versions of the Test Case.

Manage Folders

It allows users to create and manage folders of the Test Case, Test cycle, and Test Plan.

Test Case

Testers in the team require test case permissions to perform Test Case related operations.

Test Cycle 

Testers who are executing test cases require Test Cycle permissions.

Test Plan 

QA Managers require Test Plan permissions to perform the operations on Test Plans.


Administrators require Configuration permissions.

If the user has View rights for Configuration, then he can only view the Configuration settings of the project. The user can also generate the Open API key and the Automation API key.

If the user has Modify rights, then he can change the Configuration. For example, Add, Edit, Delete custom fields, labels, components, execution results, updating preferences etc.

Exploratory Testing 

Testers and Business Analysts in the team require Exploratory Testing permissions.


QA Managers require Report permission.


 Testers and Business Analysts require Requirement permission.


QA and Development teams require Defect permission.

Import - Export

Testers in the team require Import and Export permissions to import and export test cases.

Import Test Case: If users have "Import" permission, then they can import test cases into QMetry for Jira even if they do not have "Test Case Create" permissions assigned to them.

This way you can add permissions to users/groups for each module.

Change the Default "Assign to All" Permission

By default, all the users will have respective permissions as the Assign to All is checked.

To edit a permission, remove the selection of Assign to All checkbox. The permission record appears in editable mode.

  1. Open the Users drop-down and assign users to grant respective permissions to the users.

  2. Open the Groups drop-down and assign groups to grant respective permissions to the groups.

This way you can add/edit permissions to users/groups for each module.

Sync Permission

Sync Permissions with Jira Permissions and Jira User Groups:

The changes made in Jira permissions, Jira users and Jira user groups do not sync immediately in QMetry. Sync Permission will sync these permissions for the following actions:

Users' permission within the group in QMetry for Jira plugin will be impacted only after Syncing the permission.