LambdaTest is a scalable cloud-based cross browser testing platform designed to offer all website or web app testing needs to cloud infrastructure. LambdaTest platform helps you ensure your web app elements render seamlessly across every desktop and mobile web browser with support of manual, visual, and automated testing.

This integration between LambdaTest and QMetry Automation Studio enables you to automate the cross-browser automation testing.

QMetry Automation Studio users can now -

Configure LambdaTest in QAS

Integrating LambdaTest with QMetry Automation Studio enables you to execute your automation scripts directly on LambdaTest Selenium Grid from QMetry Automation Studio.

To integrate QAS with LambdaTest, execute your test case using the Remote option.

Step 1. In QAS, open the test case that you want to execute and select Execute > Remote.

The Manage Capabilities screen opens.

Step 2. Select the LambdaTest tab on the screen.

Username and Access Token are necessary for the purpose of authentication between your QAS and LambdaTest account. It helps establish a secure remote connection between QMetry Automation Studio and LambdaTest.

  1. Log into LambdaTest account.

  2. Go to Profile and select the Profile tab.

  3. Use the username and copy the Access Token from the screen.

Step 3. Define the capabilities - platform, browserName, version, resolution, network, visual, console, etc.

Step 4. Click Save to save the defined Capability.

Step 5. Enter name to save the capability with.

The saved capability is added to the list at right.

Execute Test Case in LambdaTest

You can see the saved capability on the list at right.

You can start execution by clicking on the Start button.

The execution is initiated.

The message pops up once the execution process is completed.

View the Executed Test Case in LambdaTest

In LambdaTest, check the Automation section. You can find the test case you executed in QMetry Automation Studio at the bottom of the screen.

Click on the test case to view the Automation Logs details.

The test case execution is recorded on LambdaTest. You can play the recorded execution on LambdaTest.

Execute Test Cases on LambdaTest through CI/CD

You can export the test case code as per your Language and Framework to execute the test case through CI/CD.

Note: Test Cases will be exported as per last execution (local/remote).

Note: Remote capabilities are applied at test case level so that users can execute Local and Remote test cases simultaneously through CI/CD.