Adding a Test Case 

On the Test Case module toolbar, click on the New button.

The Add Test Case screen has the following fields on it.

Note: To enable a rich text editor, the Enable Rich Text parameter should be enabled for the Project (Projects > Project / Release / Cycle). Refer to Enable Rich Text Editor for more details.

Adding Test Case Steps

You can add test steps that are to be executed under the test case. View, Create, Edit and Delete rights for Test Case are allocated to user roles from Customization > Roles. Users can perform operation as per the permission granted to their user roles.


  1. Go to the Steps section on the Create Test Case screen.

  2. Follow either of the following ways to add a test step:

    1. Hover the mouse over Step Description cell and click on the Edit icon (pencil). You can also move using TAB on the keyboard.

    2. Click on the "+" icon at the right and select the Insert Row option to insert a new step at the end.

    3. Click on the settings icon for the test step and select the Insert Row option to insert a new step next to the current step.

A blank row is added on the grid with an auto-generated Step number. Enter Step Description, Input Data, and Expected Outcome in respective fields by clicking in the cell.

Repeat the same process to add other steps.

Rich Text Editor for Steps

There are two formats in which you can add test steps: Plain Text and Rich Text.

Enable Rich Text and Source Code Editor: Refer to the Description field above.

Note: To enable rich text editor, the Enable Rich Text parameter should be enabled for the Project (Projects > Project / Release / Cycle). Refer to Enable Rich Text Editor for more details.

Show/Hide and Re-arrange Test Step Columns

Users can opt to show/hide test steps columns (Input Data, Expected Outcome) and arrange the test steps columns on test case create screen and the Steps tab on the test case detail page.

You can organize the test steps columns in the panel through drag and drop operation. You can also opt to hide/show Input Data and Expected Outcome columns on the screen.

Click Save once you make any changes for the Test Steps panel.

Any changes in the test steps column arrangement will reflect in other places where the test steps panel is used. For example, column arrangement changes on the Execution screen will reflect in the following places.

Edit entered steps

A. Click in the cell to modify the steps. It opens test case details page in editable mode. Just click the cell you want to edit the details of.

B. Click on the Edit icon for the step.

Also, refer to the Editing a Test Case section on this page.

The step section opens in the expanded view.

You can switch between Step Description, Input Data, and Expected Outcome. To go back to the Step Description section, click on the Move to Step button.

You can use the Previous Step and Next Step buttons to navigate to the previous/next steps.

Use the New Step button to add a new step next to the current step.

Once you are done with editing the test step, click Apply to save the changes.

Click on the cog icon.

It allows you to perform the following actions on the Steps grid:

Click on the Create button to save the test case.

When you open the test case detail page, the Test Case Folder Path displays the path up to the folder the test case lies within.

Removing Test Case Steps

  1. Open the test case details page in editable mode.

  2. On the Test Case Step(s) grid, click the Con icon for the step you want to remove.

  3. Select Remove Row.

Changing Order of Test Case Steps

While executing test suite, the test case steps appear in the same sequence as you arranged them here for the test case.

You can easily change the order of test case steps through the following way: