Execute All Test Suites allows users to execute test suites in bulk from the project level. You can filter test suites on their Platforms and plan your test execution accordingly. For all the platforms, you get the option to execute the test cases on Remote servers like LambdaTest, HeadSpin, SauceLab, etc. in accordance with the capabilities that have been defined for the platforms. You can execute test cases that belong to different test suites on multiple platforms simultaneously.

You can filter test cases to execute on the basis of their platforms, test suites, test case name or tags attached with the test case.

There are the following drop-down menus for the purpose of filtering test cases:

Select Capabilities:

Select platform capabilities as per relevant configurations to initiate the execution.

You can execute the test suites either on a local or remote server like LambdaTest. Apart from test case execution, you can also execute test suites on LambdaTest. Read more details on Integration with LambdaTest.

Select Session:

Select your preference to run the execution sessions:

Note: Execution on LambdaTest through multiple platforms/sessions at a time is not supported currently.