Editing Test Cases from Test Case section

Note: QMetry Test Management for Jira uses Jira’s native editor and some characters like backslash used in the wiki markup body become unusable by default. This is a technical limitation from Jira's end. As a workaround, we would suggest you use the 'Code' from the rich text editor to mention any text containing backslash for Step Summary, Test Data and Expected Result text boxes.

Inline Editing of a Test Case

Users can edit values of Test Case details in line. Open the required tab for the test case and edit the details.

Note that the Test Case Type - Manual/Automated can not be edited manually. It depends on how the test case has been created. Manually created test cases, imported test cases or test cases added through Open API will have the Test Case Type “Manual”. Test Cases added through Automation will have the Test Case Type “Automated”.

You can rearrange the tabs as per your preference.

Edit a Test Case from Test Case List View

You can also edit the test case summary and test steps from the test case list view.

Edit a Test Case Version

  1. Select a test case version from the version drop-down.

  2. The screen displays test case details of that particular version.

  3. Make changes in the field values and save.

Bulk Update Test Cases

You can edit test cases of a particular folder in bulk. It is useful when a bunch of test cases is identified to be marked identical.

Note: Maximum 1000 test cases can be updated in bulk at a time.

You can select all the test cases of the current page as well as across all the pages. For this, open the selection box on the header and select the required option.

For example, the QA team has to mark 10 test cases with "Done" Status or "High" Priority.

The feature provides a quick way to update test cases in bulk at a time instead of opening the test cases one by one.

1. Select test cases that you want to edit. The count of selected test cases will be displayed adjacent to the Bulk Operations drop-down menu.

2. Click on the Update option.

The Update screen opens.

3. Enter/select the value in the fields and click Update.

For the multi-select drop-down field (e.g. Components, Labels) and check box (e.g. Fix Versions), two options are available to update the test case:

For bulk update using the “Sprint” option, a list of boards across the Jira instance is available to choose from i.e. Active/Closed/Future.

Edit Test Cases from Test Cycle

Refer to Edit Test Cases from Test Cycle.

Edit Test Cases from Jira Story

Refer to Edit Test Cases from Jira Story.