Steps to upgrade to MySQL v8.0.33 DB Container



Step 1. IMPORTANT: Backup your existing QMetry Database
Take the backup of your existing “qmetry” database. You can replace the username, password, and location of the backup file (currently default /opt).

Syntax: podman exec qmetry_rds_1 sh -c 'exec mysqldump -uroot -p<password> --triggers --routines --hex-blob --single-transaction --lock-tables --no-create-db qmetry' > /opt/qmetry_backup_<date>.sql

For example, podman exec qmetry_rds_1 sh -c 'exec mysqldump -uroot -pqmetry --triggers --routines --hex-blob --single-transaction --lock-tables --no-create-db qmetry' > /opt/qmetry_backup_2021-01-01.sql

Verify that your database has been backed up properly and is available for later use in case of any emergency.

Step 2. Stop the QMetry application.

Go to the QMetry application server and execute the following commands:

Step 3. Extract

Copy the file received from QMetry Support to the server where the QMetry DB container is located. Navigate to the directory where this file is kept and execute the following command.

The following process will create a backup of the data from the MySQL 5.7.28 container. Next, a new container for the database will be set up, running on MySQL v8.0.33. Finally, the backed-up data will be restored into the new MySQL v8.0.33 container.

Step 4. Execute the following commands.

Next, the installation process will prompt you with the following questions.


Default Value


Do you have QMetry's application container running on this machine? (Y/N)


Mention “N” for 3-tier.

Do you have QMetry's database container running on this machine? (Y/N)


Mention “Y” for 3-tier.

Enter the name of QMetry's database container


Enter the QMetry Database container name.

Enter current Database Host


Enter Database Host Public IP/DNS of QMetry application.

Enter current Database Port


Enter Database Port of QMetry application.

Enter current Database User


Enter Database username of QMetry application.

Enter current Database Password


Enter Database password of QMetry application.

Enter current Database Schema


Enter Database schema name of QMetry application. 

Note: This process may take time depending on the amount of data in the database.

Steps to upgrade QMetry to the latest version

Follow the document QMetry Upgrade Document for RHEL8 & Podman (to latest version) to upgrade to the latest version.

Clean up data from MySQL 5.7.28 container

Refer to this section only after performing the steps mentioned in the Steps to upgrade to MySQL v8.0.33 DB Container and Steps to upgrade QMetry to the latest version sections above.

This is an optional step to perform, but we recommend you follow it in order to clean up the residual components and, hence, free up some disk space on the server.

The old QMetry database container and all associated data will be permanently removed once you perform these clean up steps. This action is irreversible.

Before you begin, ensure that the QMetry upgrade is successful, and the data has been fully restored. Once everything has started functioning properly, only then proceed with these steps.


Cleanup Commands:
Execute the following commands on the server where the QMetry DB container is located.

If you are facing any issues during the upgrade process, kindly generate a support ticket on the Support Portal for assistance.