For Windows OS:

[Before updating the Chrome Driver, ensure you have an up to date Chrome Browser]

Step 1: Open the QAS and click the Gear icon from the left corner and go to Settings. 

Step 2: Search the settings “edit json” and click “Edit in settings.json” to find Chrome Driver path

Step 3: Extract the .Zip file and copy the inner 'Qmetry Automation Studio' folder 


Step 4: Paste the copied folder to the below path (Select Replace option) 

C:\Program Files\QMetry Automation Studio 

Step 5: Restart QAS and go to QMetry from menu bar > Update WebDrivers > Chrome. 

Step 6: QAS WebDriver Update required admin rights. Click an update. 

Step 7: Chrome driver updated successfully. 

Step 8: Validate the chrome driver is updated to the latest from path obtained in Step 2

For Mac OS:

[Before updating the Chrome Driver, ensure you have an up to date Chrome Browser]

Step 1: Open the QAS and click the Gear icon from the left corner and go to Settings. 

Step 2: Search the settings “edit json” and click “Edit in settings.json” to find Chrome Driver path

Step 3: Please extract the .Zip file and copy the inner ‘Contents’ folder 


Step 4: Now Paste the Content folder as below:

Step 5: Restart QAS and go to QMetry from menu bar > Update WebDrivers > Chrome. 

Step 6: QAS WebDriver Update required admin rights. Click an update. 

Step 7: Chrome driver updated successfully. 

Step 8: Validate the chrome driver is updated to the latest from path obtained in Step 2