QMetry allows users to export internal issues out of QMetry in an Excel file. Internal issues are the issues created in QMetry inside the issue module when the project is not integrated with Jira.

Users with User Role that has “Export” rights assigned for the Issue module can export issues. Role-based user access control for the module is managed under User Management > Roles. If the role assigned to the user does not have rights to export issues, the  Export option will appear in a disabled mode for that user.


  1. Go to the Issue module.
  2. You can apply Filter criteria to issue records to export only preferred issues.
  3. Click on the cog icon  at the top right corner on the toolbar and select Export.

The next screen opens with the Export options.

Step 1: Select either Export As XLSX or Export As CSV and click Next.

Step 2 Select records: Select the requirements you want to export by selecting individual issues.

Step 3 Field Export Options

Additional Export Options

For example,

The testing team is using the internal Issue module to track bugs but the development team is not using the Issue module or is outside QMetry. The issue details can be exported with comments and shared with the development team so that they can access the details easily.


Click Export.

A confirmation window pops up. Click Yes to proceed.

A notification is displayed in the notification window. You can also view the progress in the notification window on the application header. This allows scheduled exports to run in the background and allows users to continue with their other work.

Go to the Scheduled Tasks section to download the exported issues.