Users can associate the latest version of the test case to the test suite from the Execution screen by syncing test case version.

In case the test case is updated with a new version, which is not associated with the execution, then the Version will show the Refresh icon in blue color.

Sync a Single Test Case to the Latest Version

Clicking on the Refresh icon, the test case version will be updated to the latest one. Any changes related to test case parameters and test steps will be updated. The execution status of the updated test case will be reset to Not Run.

Bulk Sync Test Cases to Latest Version

You can sync multiple test cases to their latest version at once.

  1. On the Test Execution Screen, open the Bulk Operations drop-down menu and select Sync with Latest Version.
  2. First, select the test cases that you want to sync with their latest version.
  3. Then click on the Sync Test Cases button.