The Run Status of the test cases/test steps, which are yet to run, is displayed as “Not Executed”.

User can update test run results of multiple test cases and test steps in one go.

Open the test execution page.

1. Open the Bulk Actions drop-down at top right corner and select Execution Result to update run status in bulk.

Check boxes are added to the test cases and the Run Status drop-down with execution statuses on it appears above the grid.

2. Select test cases the status of which you want to update.

3. Select the Run Status you want to assign to the selected test cases.

The Bulk Update pop-up opens as soon as you select the Run Status.

The pop-up opens to let you select Test Case / Test Step for which the result should be updated.

Select the level you want to apply the run status to: Test Case, Test Step. You can update results for all these two levels at a time. It depends on the level you are assigning the run status.

Save Preference: You can save your choice by checking the Save Preference check box. When you perform Bulk Result update next time, you will not be asked to select the level to update the result.

Updating a Single Record

This is to assign test run of individual records.

The Execution Result column is editable. For each single test case, you can assign run status by selecting the status on the individual drop-down.

  1. Hover the mouse over the Execution Result cell you want to update the result of.
  2. Click the Edit icon.
  3. Open the drop-down menu and select the result applicable to the test case/test step.

For system default status (Pass, Fail and Blocked), another way to assign Execution Result is just select the status on the cell.