How to get Report logs from server? (3) (3)

When you log issues to QMetry Support by sending an email to, there might be times when QMetry Support would ask for Report logs and Settings file on your server to investigate the issues. Here is how you can get logs and settings file from the server and provide it to QMetry Support.

Steps when QMetry is installed with Docker

Login to your Linux Report Server.

  1. Create a directory "capturedlogs" under /opt/
    • cd /opt/
    • mkdir capturedlogs
  2. Execute the command : docker ps to view existing dockers running on the server. For next commands, replace X with the version seen in the output here.
  3. To go the QMetry Tomcat Docker execute the command : docker exec -it <docker_name> bash
    example : docker exec -it qmetryreport8X_report_1 bash
  4. Go to Report logs directory:
    • cd /opt/tomcat/logs
    • Capture/note file names - catalina.out and all logs of current date that need to be copied.
    • Type "exit" and quit docker.
  5. To go to Discovery Docker execute the command : docker exec -it <docker_name> bash
    • example: docker exec -it qmetryreport8X_discovery_1 bash
  6. Go to Discovery logs directory:
    • cd /opt/discovery/platform/logs
    • Capture/note filenames for all logs of the current date that need to be copied.
    • Type "exit" and quit docker.
  7. Copy all the logs files noted above for the given date to /opt/capturedlogs from the docker

 After you copy all the logs from steps 4  and 6 and settings file from Step 7, zip them and send them over to QMetry Support by attaching it to your Support Ticket.

Steps when QMetry is installed Manually (without Docker) 

Login to your report server 

  1. Capture Discovery logs from ../opt/discovery/platform/logs
    • Copy all the logs for a given date.
  2. Capture QMetry's Tomcat Application specific logs from ../opt/tomcat/logs/
    • Copy the catalina.out file
    • Copy all the logs for a given date.
  3. Copy Reports Settings file from below location 

 After you copy all the logs from steps 1 and 2 and settings file from Step 3, zip them and send them over to QMetry Support by attaching it to your Support Ticket.