How to capture 'JIRA Integration - QMetry Enterprise' add-on logs? (5) (5)

With the new QMetry version 8.5, there are major changes in terms of how QMetry and Jira Integrations are configured. QMetry-Jira integration requires the mandatory installation of "JIRA Integration - QMetry Enterprise" add-on in Jira. In case you face issues with Integration, Support would ask for QMetry Enterprise add-on logs to investigate the issues. 

Note : These steps only apply for Jira that is locally hosted on your servers and not with Atlassian Cloud

Share the QMetry Enterprise add-on logs by following the below steps on your Jira.

  1. Restart your JIRA.
  2. Go to Jira Settings -> System >> Logging and Profiling >> Select "Configure logging level for another package" >> Click on "Configure"

  3. Add Package Name as "com.atlassian.qtm" and Logging level as "DEBUG" >> Click OK and verify the entry -

  4. Reproduce the issue again, collect the JIRA server logs and send us.
  5. The logging level can be reverted back after the issue is reproduced and logs have been captured.