How to Import Automation Results via REST API? (4) (4)

Testers can import automation test results into QMetry via Rest API call.

Step 1 : The automation API details can be found at Automation > Automation Agent > API Key. The page will display as below.  

Step 2 : The page will display the following information. 

  1. Rest API URL that would be used. For Cloud customers it should be
  2. Method "POST".
  3. Header Details








    default (Scope is a combination of Projectid:Releaseid:Cycleid. Default" is the current logged in project and its default release and cycle. 
    Scope can be mentioned as e.g.12:355:533, this id can be fetched using List Project/Releaes/Cycle API.)



    Copy from the screen. It's an autogenerated key that is specific to a user login.


  4. Body Parameters








    Your result file to be uploaded. 
    Supported file extensions: .json, .xml and .zip (zip file must contain files of the format given in the 'entityType' param).




    Format of result file to be imported. Supported formats:TESTNG or CUCUMBER or JUNIT or HPUFT or QAS

    cycleIDstringNoTarget Cycle Id or Cycle Name. Cycle Id can be fetched using List Cycle API and Cycle Name can be obtained from detail view of target Cycle.




    Target Platform Id. Platform Id can fetched using List Platform Api.




    Target Testsuite ID. Testsuite id can fetched using List Testsuite Api.

    projectIDstringYes (if scope is not default)Target Project ID or project Key or project name. Project id can be fetched using List Poroject API and the Entity Key or name can be obtained from list view of target Project.
    releaseIDstringYes (if scope is not default)Target Release ID or Release name. Release id can be fetched using List Release API from list detail of target Project.



    Yes (if scope is not default)

    Target Build ID or Build name. Build id can be fetched using List Build API from list detail of target Project.

Step 3 : Post importing the file via API


Parameters passed


If only File format and entityType was passed as part of body

A new auto generated Testsuite will be created with UTC timestamp. "No Platform" would be linked as Platform. Test cases would be auto linked and execution results would be updated. 

If only File format, entityType and platformID was passed as part of body

A new auto generated Testsuite will be created with UTC timestamp. Platform would be linked as per platform id. Test cases would be auto linked and execution results would be updated. 

If only File format, entityType, platformID & testsuiteId was passed as part of body

Test cases would be auto linked and execution results would be updated in the respective Testsuite that was provided.

If only File format, entityType & testsuiteId was passed as part of body

Test cases would be auto linked and execution results would be updated in the respective Testsuite that was provided. No Platform would be linked to the Test suite.

Below steps show how to execute the API using Postman. 

Step 1 : Download Postman application on Google Chrome.

Step 2 : Open and log into the Postman application.

Step 3 : Then click on the NEW button on the application header.

Step 4 : Open the Headers tab in Postman. Add header details as per Step 2. 

Step 5 : Open the Body tab. Choose form-data and pass mandatory/optional values as per Step-2.

Step 6 : Click Send button. You should receive the below success response. 

Step 7 : Results would be updated as explained in Step 3. 

Restrictions: The restriction of  maximum 500 Automation API call per day per instance have been implemented on external API calls for better control of server resources on cloud.