Release Notes

QAS Cloud v2.2.0.0

Release Date: 2024-04-20

Summary: Upgradation/Optimization

  • Architecture upgrade.

QAS Cloud v2.1.1.2

Release Date: 2024-03-02

Summary: Bug Fix

  • Internal bug fix.

QAS Cloud v2.1.1.1

Release Date: 2024-02-22

Summary: Bug Fix

  • Internal bug fix.

QAS Cloud v2.1.1.0

Release Date: 2024-02-17

Summary: Improvement

  • QAS 2.x has upgraded its MySQL version to v8.0.35, resulting in improved performance of Login, Project creation, and customer registration process.

QAS Cloud v2.1.0

Release Date: 2023-12-24

Summary: New Features, Improvement, and Bug Fixes

New Features & Improvement

  • Repository Improvements:  Added an additional feature to the test repository that enables users to rename object keys directly from the repository. This feature automatically updates references in both test cases and other repositories, streamlining the renaming process and ensuring consistency across the platform.

  • Security and control for API-based executions: 

    • Disable Cross-Project Access: The primary objective here is to enhance project-level access control. The acceptance criteria state that only project members should be able to access project resources. Additionally, even if a user is assigned to a project but is in an inactive state, they should not be able to perform any operations on the project resources. This is crucial for ensuring proper data security and user management.

    • Generate/Revoke API Key: This criterion aims to address the need for enhanced security when invoking executions from CI/CD pipelines. It suggests introducing API keys, allowing users to generate their unique keys for executing tests without exposing their credentials in the pipeline. This feature adds a layer of security and control for API-based executions.

    • Licensing/Parallel Sessions: This part focuses on improving user experience and flexibility when it comes to managing licensing and parallel execution sessions. In the previous release, users were logged out when trying to execute tests via API while already logged in via a browser. The goal is to change this behavior to allow users to simultaneously perform executions, even if their license is already in use in a browser. However, there will be a defined threshold for how many simultaneous sessions are allowed for executions. This ensures efficient utilization of resources while maintaining compliance with licensing constraints.

  • Integration with Xray test management Jira app: Users can now enable integration with Xray test management for Jira (Cloud) directly from QAS 2.0. This integration allows for seamless updating of execution details directly into the respective projects within the Jira environment.

  • UI Improvements: Implemented substantial UI improvements to enhance the user experience while using the product.

Bug Fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.

QAS Cloud v2.0.2

Release Date: 2023-10-15

Summary: New Features, Improvement, and Bug Fixes

New Features

  • QMetry Local Tunnel support for Linux: This latest release represents an expansion of our platform support. We're thrilled to announce that, in addition to our existing Windows and MacOS support for the local tunnel, we have now introduced support for Linux Ubuntu. This means users can install the QMetry Local tunnel on the Linux Ubuntu operating system and carry out desired executions for supported browsers and devices.

  • Recorder support for Microsoft Edge Browser: We've introduced an additional feature that enables users to record scripts using the Microsoft Edge browser. This feature caters to users who prefer recording with Edge instead of the default Chrome browser.

  • About QMetry Automation Studio Page: In this release, we have introduced a new page within the project to provide users with information about the product version and licensing details.

  • JavaScript Editor Enhancements: Up until the previous releases, we supported the JavaScript Editor view for various tasks, such as defining API requests and passing parameters to commands when JavaScript is required. The view used to open within a side panel, and sometimes it was challenging to view details with large data. In this release, we have enhanced the view by providing users with the capability to maximize the view for easier access to details.

  • UI Improvements: In this release, we have implemented substantial UI improvements to enhance the user experience while using the product.


  • React version upgrade and optimization of the UI build process.

  • We've implemented performance improvements in the architecture to efficiently scale resources both horizontally and vertically when the system experiences a significant volume of loads.

 Bug Fixes

  • Minor bug fixes. 

QAS Cloud v2.0.1

Release Date: 2023-09-30

Summary: New Features and Bug Fixes

New Features

  • Direct Jira Integration: Building on the achievements of our previous successful cloud releases, 2.0.0 and, this latest release marks an expansion of our integration capabilities with Jira. We're excited to announce that in addition to our existing integration with QTM4J and QTM for result publishing, we have now added integration with Jira Cloud as well.

    • Create Jira Issue: This feature offers a seamless workflow for users who prefer to manage their test cases within the Test Plan module while synchronizing them as issues in Jira.

    • Create bug automatically and link with test case issue: We've introduced an additional feature that allows users to choose whether they want to automatically create a bug and link it to the test case issue when tests fail during execution, giving users more control and flexibility over their workflow preferences.

    • Create a bug: In the event of a test failure during execution, users should have the capability to initiate bug creation directly from the analytics module. The bug creation process will enable users to furnish essential information, including a summary, description, and attachments. Please note that if the 'auto-create-bug' feature is enabled in the configuration, bugs will be generated without requiring additional details.

  • Email Notification: We have introduced an additional feature that allows users to send email notifications for various project-related events, such as assigning users to a project, the start of execution, the completion of execution, and more.

Bug Fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.

QAS Cloud v2.0.0.2

Release Date: 2023-09-09

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug due to which the execution was not functioning correctly when the thread limit was exceeded.

QAS Cloud v2.0.0.1

Release Date: 2023-08-14

Summary: Improvements and Bug Fixes


  • Eliminated the six-hour sleep time for customer containers. This change ensures that instances will remain active at all times, without any interruption after the initial six-hour period.

  • Enhanced the login screen to provide a better experience while the instance is being prepared. Users will now see a notification bar displaying relevant messages.

  • Enhanced the empty state when no projects are available for a user. We've added a vector graphic and removed the search field from the page.

Bug Fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.

QAS Cloud v2.0.0

Release Date: 2023-07-31

Summary: New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes

New Features

  • QAS Cloud (SaaS): The major release offers automation capabilities on the cloud, accompanied by key features such as below. These enhancements cater to a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing customers to benefit from automation capabilities on the cloud with ease.

    • No Installation: Users can access the platform without the need for any installation process, making it more convenient and accessible.

    • Single-Step Registration: Customers can activate their accounts with a simplified and efficient single-step registration process, streamlining the onboarding experience.

    • Concurrent Licensing: The new release allows concurrent licensing, enabling multiple users to utilize the platform simultaneously, enhancing productivity.

    • User Management: The release includes robust user management functionalities, empowering administrators to efficiently handle user accounts, permissions, and access levels.

  • User Interface Enhancements:  The User Interface (UI) has been enhanced to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

    • Use Skeleton in all data loading pages: In this cloud release, we have introduced a new feature called "Skeleton Loading" to enhance the user experience and provide better visual feedback during data loading. When data is being fetched, the skeleton loading will display a placeholder representation of the content, giving users a clear indication that data is being loaded. This improvement reduces confusion and frustration by keeping users informed and engaged while waiting for the actual content to load. It significantly improves the overall user experience, making the platform more intuitive and user-friendly.

    • Setting, Context menu design update: In the server release, we have identified an issue with the settings and context menus not being clearly separated into distinct groups, which can lead to difficulties in navigation and finding the desired options. To enhance the user experience and improve usability, we are making a significant improvement by separating the settings and context menus into distinct groups. This modification will streamline the user interface, making it easier for users to locate and access the specific options they need, ultimately reducing confusion and enhancing overall user satisfaction.

    • Empty State vector in all data loading pages: In this cloud release, we have focused on enhancing the user experience by improving the consistency and meaningfulness of empty state vectors across the entire product. This significant enhancement ensures that users encounter a consistent and intuitive experience when interacting with empty states. By making these improvements, users will find it easier to understand and navigate through the product when data is unavailable, improving their overall satisfaction and usability. This consistency in empty states contributes to a more coherent and seamless user journey, leading to a more positive and engaging user experience throughout the entire product.

  • Test Data Support Enhancements:  In this cloud release, we are thrilled to introduce a new feature that empowers users with the ability to establish direct database connections. With this capability, users can retrieve test data in real-time or offline, enabling them to create data-driven test cases. This enhancement significantly enhances the flexibility and efficiency of testing, as users can now leverage live or cached data directly from the database for their test scenarios. By enabling data-driven testing, this feature allows for more robust and comprehensive testing, ultimately leading to improved product quality and accelerated testing processes.

  • QMetry Local Tunnel: In this cloud release, we are pleased to announce the introduction of the Proxy Local Tunnel feature. This exciting addition allows users to perform test execution on both local and remotely set-up machines seamlessly. With the Proxy Local Tunnel, users can connect and execute tests from their preferred environment, be it on their local machines or on remote setups. This enhancement enhances the flexibility and versatility of test execution, enabling users to run tests wherever it suits their needs best. By providing this capability, we aim to streamline the testing process and empower users with more options to achieve efficient and effective testing in the cloud environment.

  • Manage running tasks from UI (Notifications View): In this cloud release, we are delighted to introduce the Notification View, a new feature that provides users with real-time updates on currently running tasks or jobs. With this enhancement, users can easily monitor the progress of their ongoing tasks and stay informed about the status of their operations. Furthermore, the Notification View also allows users to take direct action by terminating running tasks forcefully if needed. This capability empowers users with greater control over their tasks and provides a quick and efficient way to manage and stop any tasks that may need immediate attention.

  • Add steps in between existing steps: In this cloud release, we are excited to announce a significant enhancement to the user experience, enabling the addition of steps in between existing steps. With this improvement, users can easily insert new steps within a workflow or process without the need to rearrange or reconfigure the entire sequence.

  • More in-built commands: In this cloud release, we are thrilled to introduce a range of new utility commands designed to enhance your testing capabilities. These utility commands include:

    • Get & Store Database Result into the Variable: This command enables you to retrieve data from the database and store it in a variable. It facilitates data-driven testing by allowing you to use the fetched data in subsequent test steps.

    • Verify Value Equals to Expected: With this command, you can compare a value with an expected value, ensuring that they match exactly. It simplifies the verification process and helps you ensure the accuracy of test results.

    • Verify Value Should Contain Expected Text: This command enables you to check if a value contains the expected text. It's useful for scenarios where you need to validate partial matches within data.

    • Verify Value Should Start or End with Specific Given Text: This command allows you to confirm if a value starts or ends with the specific given text. It streamlines validation tasks for data that should have particular prefixes or suffixes.


  •  In this cloud release, we are excited to announce a significant upgrade to the architecture. The entire infrastructure has been deployed on a highly scaled and robust platform, providing enhanced performance, reliability, and scalability to meet the demands of your growing needs.

Bug Fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.