How to store variable value during tests

QAS has predefined steps for BDD as well as for Java to store a variable during test.

A : Store variable value via BDD

Below is the Store method for BDD.

store "locator_value" into "new_variable"

Example :

B : Store variable value via Java/code

Step1 : Create a custom steps in BDD.

SCENARIO : MyNextSteps
META-DATA: {"description":"Creating new steps","groups":["SMOKE"],"author":"john.doe"}
# creating my own custom steps
		Then my custom steps to store value in variable "myVariable"	   

Example :

Step2 : Write a java method inside StepLibrary class for that custom steps.

Note : Pass variable index number instead of the variable name.

import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.step.QAFTestStep;
import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.core.ConfigurationManager.getBundle;

public class StepsLibrary {
	// for single type of variable
		@QAFTestStep(description = "my custom steps to store value in variable {0}")
	public static void myJSmethodToStoreVariable (String myVariable) {
	// my code for java script
	String myValue = "value which i want to store";
	getBundle().addProperty(myVariable, myValue);
	// for multi variable type
		@QAFTestStep(description = "my custom steps to Add value {0} and {1} to {2} value")
	public static void myCustomSteptoAddVariable(String myvar1,String myvar2,String myvar3) {
	// my code logic

Example :


If you directly want to do it by coding, refer below code : 

import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.core.ConfigurationManager.getBundle;
and use its method : getBundle().addProperty(varibale, value);

This way a variable can be stored and used for further usage.