Manage Test Repository

QAS provides Test Repository, which can be used to abstract element locators outside of the automation code. Moreover, you can have separate locator repositories per environment/platform and configure at run-time to load environment-specific locator repositories.

The test step locators get stored in the default Test Repository, if you have not created a new one. You can also create your own repository where all the locators of elements that you access on Web UI/Mobile UI/any other platform or any API calls will be stored in the test repository. For example, you can store any prerequisite that you need to have in your test script while creation of test.

The locators are recorded in the format of Name, Type and Value. Users can add, edit, and delete the Test Repository for all the platforms. 

Steps to add elements to Locator Repository

1. Go to the Test Plan module.

2. Expand the Test Repository section at left.

A Default repository is provided to store the element locators as you add steps in test cases.


→ Create a New Repository

If you want to store the elements in a different repository, you can create a new repository by clicking on the New Repository icon.

Then enter the repository name and click Create.

→ Create a Repository Folder

You can also create repository folders to segregate repositories accordingly.


3. Select a Repository: Before you start recording the steps, select the Repository from the drop-down in which you want to store the element locators.

Once you complete your test recording, the element locators are stored in the selected repository.

View/Edit API Resources

Users can view/edit API resources for type “request” in the repository with help of JSON editor.

When a new API request is created, a default template is provided. You can then customize it as per your requirement.


1. Go to the Test Repository section in the Test Plan module.

2. Click on the View/Edit Request link for the API parameter with the Type “request”.

The View/Edit Request panel opens with the JSON code.

3. You can modify the code as per you requirement. Then click Add to save the code.