What scenarios do QMetry forces users to create a new version of their test cases?

This article will help you understand the scenarios in which QMetry forces users to create a new version of the test case.

  • When a test case version (shareable/normal test case) is associated with any executions, you will be forced to create a new version of the test case.

  • If your test case version is not associated with any executions, you will be able to update the existing test case without the need to create a new version.

Definition of Update: Adding New Steps, Deleting Steps, or Re-ordering the Steps will force to create a new version if the test case version is executed.

The below table will help you to understand the scenarios in detail:


Execution Linkage

Editing Steps (no steps are new, removed or re-ordered)

Changing Steps (new, removed, re-ordered steps)


Execution Linkage

Editing Steps (no steps are new, removed or re-ordered)

Changing Steps (new, removed, re-ordered steps)

Test Case Version

Linked to test suite

Will not force new version creation

New version will be created

Test Case Version

Not linked to test suite

Will not force new version creation

Will not force new version creation

Shareable Test Case Version

Part of a test case version linked to test suite

Will not force new version creation

New version will be created

Shareable Test Case Version

Not part of a test case version linked to test suite

Will not force new version creation

Will not force new version creation