How to get eSignature features and enable them ?

The eSignature feature helps organizations to regularize the Approval Workflow of test cases and test executions. Test Case executions can now be approved using an eSignature that verifies that the test run was documented correctly and also authenticates the test run status assigned to the Test Case.

Getting eSignature based approval features

The Approval Workflow will be enabled only if the eSignature package is purchased. Admin can then enable/disable approval workflow per project. To check if eSignature package is enabled check the QMetry →  About Section.

Enable eSignature Feature

A user having "Admin" role in a given project, can enable eSignature based approval workflow for that project. 

New Project

While creating a new project, enable the Enable eSignature flag to activate the functionality in the current project.

Existing Project

If you want to enable the eSignature feature for existing project, then open the project details page. You can see the Enable eSignature flag at right. Enable the flag.

Note: Once the eSignature flag is enabled, it cannot be disabled.

Click here to know about what is the importance of Part 11 Compliance in eSignature and how it works and what are the benefits of enabling it?