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API for Project, Release, Cycle, Build, Platforms
- 1 Get Info Service
- 2 Get List of All Projects
- 3 Get List of Releases and Cycles and their metadata
- 4 Create Project
- 5 Clone Project
- 6 Archive Project
- 7 Delete Project
- 8 Unarchive Project
- 9 List of Releases
- 10 Create Release
- 11 Archive Release
- 12 Delete Release
- 13 Unarchive Release
- 14 List of Cycles
- 15 Create Cycle
- 16 Update Cycle
- 17 Archive Cycle
- 18 Delete Cycle
- 19 Unarchive Cycle
- 20 List of Build
- 21 Get Details of Build
- 22 Create Build
- 23 Archive Builds
- 24 Unarchive Build
- 25 List of Platforms
- 26 Create/Update Platform
- 27 Unlink Platforms from Test Suites
Get Info Service
GET /rest/admin/project/getinfo
This API returns all the information of the project like scope, types of -bugs, license details, etc.
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
project | header | yes | Project or scope Id/Key/Name | - | string |
apiKey | header | yes | Open API key generated in Integration > Open API in QTM. | - | string |
Content-Type | header | yes | Enter value “application/json”. | - | string |
Content-Type: application/json
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
200 | Successful operation. | |
400 | Returned if no project exists or project/release/cycle is archived | - |
500 | Returned if there is an error in server | - |
Get List of All Projects
POST /rest/admin/project/list
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
start | body | yes | Start index of records | - | integer |
limit | body | yes | Number of records per page | - | integer |
page | body | yes | Page number to be displayed | - | integer |
params | body | yes | Parameters | - |
Content-Type: application/json
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
200 | List of projects shown successfully | ResponseEntityString |
400 | Invalid json object or mandatory fields missing | - |
401 | Unauthorised or session expired | - |
500 | Returned when server connection times out | - |
Get List of Releases and Cycles and their metadata
POST /rest/admin/scope/tree
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
currentProjectFlag | body | no | Send true when project whose releases meta-data is to be fetched is same as the project in context | - | boolean |
showArchive | body | no | Send false to get only unarchived Releases, defaulted to false | - | boolean |
qmProjectID | body | yes | Unique identifier of project whose data is to be obtained | - | integer |
Content-Type: application/json
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
200 | Release meta-data fetched successfully | |
400 | Invalid json object or mandatory fields missing | - |
401 | Unauthorised or session expired | - |
500 | Returned when server connection times out | - |
Create Project
POST /rest/admin/project
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
project | body | yes | Check project parameters | - | |
release | body | yes | Check release parameters | - | |
cycle | body | yes | Check cycle parameters | - | |
addLdapUser | body | yes | Set true to allow addition of LDAP users in the project | - | boolean |
Content-Type: application/json
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
200 | Project successfully added | |
400 | Invalid json object or mandatory fields missing | - |
401 | Unauthorised or session expired | - |
500 | Returned when server connection times out | - |
Clone Project
POST /rest/admin/project/clone
API to clone project
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
Projectkey | body | yes | The unique project key of new project | - | string |
clone | body | yes | Type of clone:- 0 - to clone only the folder structure, along with any releases and cycles & 1 - to clone Project meta-data, Requirements, Test Cases, Test Suites and Issues | - | string |
name | body | yes | Name of the project to be cloned | - | string |
newProject | body | yes | Name of the new project | - | string |
projectID | body | yes | The unique identifier by which to identify the cloned project. | - | string |
apiKey | header | yes | Open API key generated in Integration > Open API in QTM. | - | string |
scope | header | yes | Project or scope Id/Key/Name | - | string |
Content-Type: application/json
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
200 | Project clone initiated | |
400 | Invalid json object or mandatory fields missing | - |
401 | Unauthorised or session expired | - |
500 | Returned when server connection times out | - |
Archive Project
PUT /rest/admin/project/archive
Content-Type: application/json
Name | Located in | Required | Description | Default | Schema |
projectID | body | yes | Unique identifier of projects to archive | - | Array[integer] |
apiKey | header | yes | Open API key generated in Integration > Open API in QTM. | - | string |
scope | header | yes | Project or scope Id/Key/Name | - | string |
Content-Type: application/json