How Estimated time/Execution time & Remaining time is calculated?

Estimated time/Total Execution Time

Estimated time is the time that can be defined at the test case level. The test case has a field called "Estimated Time". This time is a rough estimation OR can be revised estimation of time to execute the test case. 

When these test cases are linked to a test suite then the "Estimated time" will be shown as "Total Execution Time". The below screenshots are to show the test cases linked to a test suite and the field Estimated time is turned to "Total Execution time".

Test suite Grid

Test Run screen

Executing Test Suites

Open the test suite detail page and open the Test Execution tab.

Execution Time and Remaining Time

Users can view Execution Time and Remaining Time calculated for Test Execution.

Use Case: Calculation of Execution Time and Remaining Time for test suite is useful for QA Manager in Test Planning as it gives accurate estimates for the test suite. These test case level estimates refine each time a test suite is executed. Testers can make recommendations to have the test estimates revised based on the last few executions in different environments.

Two columns Execution Time and Remaining Time are added on the grid at the following places in the application:

  • Test Suite detail page > Test Executions tab
  • Test Case detail page > Test Executions tab
  • Issue detail page > Execution Runs

Calculation of Execution Time of a test suite:

Execution Time of a test suite is calculated based on the Estimate Time of all the test cases in that test suite.

Calculation of Remaining Time of a test suite:

Once the test suite is executed, the Remaining Time Is calculated of all “Not Run” test cases. Any test case with “Failed” or “Blocked” status will also be considered as the work still remains on it.

The Remaining Time will be reduced for test cases with “Pass” and “Not Applicable” status accordingly.


The following example shows the calculation of both – Execution Time and Remaining Time.

Execution time


Remaining time







Not Applicable












Execution Time = 20

Remaining Time = 10