Get test case run ids for combination of test suite and platform for bulk update of execution status

QMetry 7QMetry 8
  • URL : /rest/execution/list/tcr
  • Method : POST
  • URL : /rest/execution/list/tcr
  • Method : POST
Request Body
"limit": 50,
"page": 1,
"start": 0,
"tsrID": "340477",
"visibleUDFNames": []
Request Body
	"tsrID": 262873, 
	"start": 0, 
	"limit": 50,
	"page": 1
Response Body
    "data": [
            "TS_name": "Login test",
            "tsDescription": "",
            "tcVersionID": 3592494,
            "preCondition": "This is pre condition for test cases.",
            "attachmentCount": 1,
            "testCaseType": 394448,
            "testCaseTypeAlias": "Functional",
            "tsRunID": 340477,
            "tcRunID": 5759463,
            "orderId": 1,
            "testScriptName": "T N1",
            "owner": 8942,
            "ownerAlias": "dhaivat",
            "tcID": 1919132,
            "tctsID": 3890615,
            "stepCount": 2,
            "startTime": "2019-04-05T20:09:33",
            "endTime": "2019-04-05T20:11:40",
            "isArchived": 0,
            "logCount": 0,
            "executionTime": "3",
            "domain": 0,
            "Status": 16370,
            "StatusName": "co-passed-ico",
            "StatusNameText": "Passed",
            "executedVersion": 1,
            "tcDescription": "Description of test cases",
            "name": "Login test in application ",
            "entityKey": "PET-TC-942",
            "Component": "Not Available",
            "priority": 394392,
            "priorityAlias": "Major",
            "PlatformID": 14843,
            "Platform_Name": "FF",
            "TC_Status": "Passed",
            "isAutoExecuted": 0
    "total": 1

Response Body
	"data": [{
		"projectID": 775,
		"defectTCRCount": 0,
		"defectTCSRCount": 0,
		"TS_name": "TS Execution Time Check",
		"tsDescription": "",
		"cycleName": "Default Cycle",
		"releaseName": "Default Release",
		"tcVersionID": 1337121,
		"attachmentCount": 1,
		"testCaseType": 78227,
		"testCaseTypeAlias": "Functional",
		"tsRunID": 262873,
		"tcRunID": 3003378,
		"hasRows": 0,
		"orderId": 1,
		"owner": 1723,
		"ownerAlias": "ansari",
		"tcID": 728458,
		"tctsID": 1700153,
		"stepCount": 2,
		"ExecutedAt": "04-05-2019 15:11:18",
		"endTime": "04-05-2019 15:11:18",
		"isArchived": false,
		"logCount": 1,
		"executionTime": 5,
		"domain": 0,
		"Status": 5296,
		"StatusName": "co-passed-ico",
		"StatusNameText": "Passed",
		"executedVersion": 1,
		"tcDescription": "GymPlanner is a community-based health and 
		fitness mobile application.
		"name": "GymPlanner - Play Store",
		"entityKey": "BD-TC-50",
		"latestVersion": 1,
		"Component": "Not Available,Not Available",
		"priority": 78226,
		"priorityAlias": "Trivial",
		"PlatformID": 10017,
		"Platform_Name": "iOS",
		"TC_Status": "Passed",
		"isAutoExecuted": 0,
		"totalExecutionTime": 5,
		"isPlatformArchived": false,
		"executedBy": "ansari",
		"tsEntityKey": "BD-TS-70",
		"state": 1,
		"currentParam": "{\"374\":\"Purpose\",\"373\":\"Application\"}"
	"total": 1,
	"lastExecDrop": "",
	"lastExecDropAlias": "",
	"state": "1",
	"Defects": "0"