Link Test Cycles to Test Plan

Link Test Cycles to Test Plan

Users can link existing Test Cycles with Test Plans.


  1. Open the test plan detail page.

  2. Open the Test Cycles tab and click on Link Test Cycles.

The Link Test Cycles screen opens.

Filter Test Cycles

A. You can browse Test Cycles as per the test cycle folder on the tree. It will help you narrow down the test cycle search.

B. You can also apply filters to the list and search individual test cycles by "Key" or “Summary” through the search box.
C. You can also apply additional advanced filters like Priority, Status, Fix Versions, etc. to narrow down the search criteria. Fix Versions and Sprint also display cross-project values to filter out test cycle records of multiple projects.

Note: A maximum of 10 filters, including system as well as custom fields, can be selected at a time.

D. Hide Already Linked Test Cycle: Check the Hide Already Linked Test Cycle to avoid the display of those test cycles on the screen that are already linked to the test plan. It prevents the linking of the same test cycles with the test plan again.

Select the test cycles you want to link with the Test Cycle and click either of the following buttons:

  • Link: You can link the selected test cycles with the test plan. Select the test cycles to be linked with the test plan and click on the Link button. Once test cycles are linked, the Link Test Cycles screen still remains open to let you link further test cycles.

  • Link & Close: You can link the selected test cycles with the test plan and close the pop-up. Select the test cycles to be linked with the test plan and click on the Link & Close button.

You can see the test cycle(s) are linked to the test plan.

View Test Cycle Custom Fields

Users can review the test cycles linked to a test plan with the ability to view any system fields and custom fields of the test cycles. It helps users effectively map the test cycle allocation for a release. It is also useful in filtering test cycles on the preferred custom field values.

You can opt to view the system as well as custom fields of the test cycle on the Test Cycles tab in the Test Plan detail page by using the Hide/Show Columns option. The value of custom fields will only be displayed if the linked test cycle is from the same project of the test plan. The custom field values will be displayed blank if the test cycle is from a cross-project.

Note: A maximum of 40 columns can be selected at a time to display.

You can opt to apply filters on the system as well as custom fields of the test cases on the Test Cases tab in the Test Cycle detail page by using the Filter option.

Apply Filters with Operators

In addition to the “OR” operator to filter the test assets, you can filter the test assets using the “AND” operator for the Multi-Lookup List. It enables you to filter the entities having multiple similar values in their fields. For example, you can filter test cases that have both Label1 & Label2 in the Label field. The filter will search for those test cases in which both values are present in the Label field. There are a total of 10 test cases, out of which 3 test cases have Label1, 2 test cases have Label2, and 5 test cases have both the labels Label1 and Label2. So, the search output will display 5 test cases that have both the Label values.

The filter is available on these fields: Label, Components, Fix Versions, Multi-dropdown custom field, Labels custom field, Multi-users custom field, and Checkbox custom field.

Select more than one filter value for the field. The Operators option becomes visible on the drop-down. The filter considers “OR” as the default operator and applies it to filter the records, which displays records with either of the selected values.

Note: The operators are visible only on the selection of more than one filter value.

To change the operator, click on the Edit icon beside the “OR” operator.

The drop-down opens displaying two operators: “OR” and “AND”.

You can select “AND” as the operator to apply for the filter.

The filter applies with the operator “AND” and the output shows the records holding both values.

Update Test Cycle Status Inline

The Status column shows the current state of the test cycle in the workflow with Statuses like To Do, In Progress, Done, etc. You can configure the status list values from Configuration > Statuses. You can update the test case status inline by clicking in the cell under the Status column.

Unlink Test Cycles

You can unlink a single test cycle or multiple test cycles at a time.

A. Unlink a Single Test Cycle: Hover the mouse over the linked test cycle record. The unlink icon becomes visible. Click on the unlink icon.

B. Unlink Test Cycles in Bulk: Select the test cycles that you want to unlink and then click on the Unlink Test Cycles button.

The warning message pops up on the screen. Click Unlink to proceed.