Get Test Case details based on versions

Please follow the steps mentioned below to get Test Case details based on Test Case versions and understand the Get Test Case Version Details API:

API URL :{ID}/versions/:{no}?fields=description,reporter,estimatedTime,labels,fixVersions,components,sprint,created,updated,executed

Method: GET

Request Header 

The output of the API is as below:

Note: If the value of “isLatestVersion“ is true (as shown below), it means that the output generated below is latest version of this Test Case,


Success: 200

{ "data": { "id": "7wtz41Ta68D", "key": "CDT-TC-786", "version": { "versionNo": 2, "isLatestVersion": true }, "summary": "Sample Test Case v2", "priority": { "id": 151, "name": "Medium", "iconUrl": "" }, "status": { "id": 56929, "name": "Pending", "color": "#14892C" }, "assignee": "5ae308b858742e214dd05423", "isAutomated": false, "isParameterized": false, "projectId": 10002, "description": "Description v2", "reporter": "5ae308b858742e214dd05423", "estimatedTime": "", "labels": [ { "id": 6617, "name": "label1" }, { "id": 6618, "name": "label2" } ], "fixVersions": [], "components": [ { "id": 11443, "name": "component2" } ], "sprint": {}, "created": { "createdBy": "5afa99926eb73e5268d509a3", "createdOn": "15/Jun/2020 12:58" }, "updated": { "updatedBy": "5afa99926eb73e5268d509a3", "updatedOn": "15/Jun/2020 12:58" } } }

In this way, we can get Test Case details based on a version using Open API