Link Defects/Bugs on List View Execution Screen

Link Defects/Bugs on List View Execution Screen

You may come across defects/bugs while running the test. These defects need to be recorded properly for further analysis. You can log a defect to test steps and test cases individually. You can either create a new defect or link an existing defect to the test case/test step. Bugs added to steps are also reflected at the test case level.

If the Auto link bug(s) that are found during execution to the story option in Project Settings is enabled and the test case is associated with a Jira Story, then the bug linked during execution will also get linked to the story. Refer to Auto-link Execution Bugs to Stories for more details.


Link Defects/Bugs to a Test Case

You can link bugs to test cases/test steps while executing the test.


1. Open the test execution screen. If a bug is already linked to the test case or test steps under it, the count will be displayed.

2. To link a bug to the test case, click on the count under the Bug column for the test case. The count could be zero if there is not a single bug linked to the test case or the test steps under that test case.

By clicking on the bug count, the Assign Bugs screen opens.

You can either add an existing bug or create a new bug to link to the test case.

A. Link existing Bug


  1. Click on the Link existing Bug button. The Link Existing Bug to Execution pop-up opens. The screen displays the records as per the Issue Type enabled for Bug in QMetry Project Settings.

  2. Select the bug you want to link with the test case and click either of the following buttons:

  • Link: You can link existing bugs to the test execution. Select the bugs that you want to link with the test execution and click on the Link button. Once the bugs are linked, the Link Existing Bug to Execution pop-up still remains open to let you link other bugs.

  • Link & Close: You can link bugs and close the pop-up. Select the bugs that you want to link with the test execution and click on the Link & Close button.

You can also -

(A) select bugs logged in other projects. Open the project drop-down and select other projects from which you want to add the bug.

(B) apply the Basic filter to search bugs (The Issue Type filter displays Issue Type in accordance with the Issue Type enabled for Bugs in QMetry Project Settings.)

Note: A maximum of 10 filters, including system as well as custom fields, can be selected at a time.

(C) apply JQL to search bugs.


Switch to JQL: Click on the Switch to JQL. The JQL editor opens. Write the query to filter the records.


B. Create Bug


Click on the Create Bug button. The Create Issue screen of Jira opens. The Issue Type drop-down shows the list of issue types as per the Issue Type enabled for Bug in QMetry Project Settings. By default "Bug" issue type is auto-selected on the drop-down.

Create an issue with Issue Type "Bug".

The bug created from the Execution Screen will be linked to the test case directly.

Link Defects/Bugs to Test Step

Apart from linking defects to the test case, you can also link defects to test steps to trace the bug related to the step level.

  1. Open the Steps tab by clicking on the Step Count (S.C.) for the test case.

  2. Click on the bug icon at the right.

  3. The Assign Bugs screen opens. Follow the same steps described above to create a new bug or add existing bugs.

The color of the Bug icon gets changes(Red) as soon as you associate a bug to it.

Unlink Defects/Bugs

Defects/Bugs are linked with the test case and test step from the execution screen. You can delete attachments in accordance with their level - test case/test step.

Bug Level

Bugs can be unlinked from -