Personalized View

Personalized View

QMetry provides the ability to add/arrange/hide the columns on all test asset modules - Test Case, Test Cycle, and Test Plan, that enables users to customize the view of the test asset module. The customized view allows users to add the required fields on the grid which makes it easier for users to examine the test assets values directly from the grid view without navigating to the Test asset's detail page.

The page view can be customized by showing/hiding columns and applying filters to records.

The customized view for preferred columns can be automatically saved.

Manage Grid Columns

Customizing the columns allows you to organize your test assets grid view by adding or arranging required columns. For example, you may want to inspect your test assets with components of your application, or according to the assignee that will run them. Or you might want to view your test cycles along with execution results, priority or fix versions, etc.

Note: Key and Summary are the system default columns and they cannot be hidden or rearranged.

A user can view all the system-defined as well as custom-defined QMetry fields in a customized view. Refer Custom Fields .

Execution Result: The Execution Result column shows the outcomes of the most recent execution of the test case.

Hide/Show/Rearrange Columns

Users can show/hide all field columns except Sequence No, Key, and Summary in test cycle module grids. Columns selected on the list will appear on the test cycle screen. Columns not selected/deselected will remain hidden on the screen. To return to the default view of the Test Cycle list view, open the Columns drop-down and select Reset to Default.

  • Adding a Column:

Step 1. Go to Column drop-down.

Step 2. Check one of the fields to show as a column.

Step 3. Click Done.
