How to generate the Executive Coverage report in QMetry v4.x ?


Coverage report by requirement (Test Cases linked directly)

The Coverage By Requirement report displays the coverage relationship between Stories and Test Cases. For the selected Project, the Coverage Report shows which stories have one or more test cases associated with it. Requirements, which are covered by/linked to a test case, are identified covered requirements.  

The Requirement filter in the report configuration supports JQL that allows users to use multiple fields like Project, Issue Type, Issue Status, etc. as a filter to generate the report. Write JQL query to construct the story selection criteria with different filters. You can save the applied Filter and add it as a  gadget on the dashboard.


The chart displays Story Coverage based on test cases within the selected stories.

  • Covered: It refers to Stories that have test cases linked to it.

  • Not Covered: It refers to Stories that don’t have any test case within it.



Coverage report by requirement (Covering Test Cycles linked directly)

The Coverage By Requirement report displays the coverage relationship between Stories and Test Cycles. For the selected Project, the Coverage Report shows which stories have one or more test cycles associated with them. The requirement coverage is critical for the successful delivery of the project. 

The "Coverage by Requirement" report displays the count and details of requirements, both directly linked and not directly linked to test cycles.

The Requirement filter in the report configuration supports JQL and allows users to use multiple fields like Project, Issue Type, Issue Status, etc. as filters to generate the report. Write a JQL query to construct the story selection criteria with different filters. You can save the applied Filter and add it as a gadget on the dashboard.


The chart displays Story Coverage based on test cycle linkage with the stories.

  • Covered: It refers to Stories that have test cycles linked to them.

  • Not Covered: It refers to Stories that don’t have any test cycle within them.

Coverage by Test Cycle (Covering Requirements linked directly)

The "Coverage by Test Cycle" report displays the count and details of test cycles, both directly linked and not directly associated with the requirements.

The Coverage By Test Cycle report displays the coverage relationship between Test Cycles and Stories. For the selected Project, the Coverage by Test Cycle report shows which test cycles have one or more stories associated with them. The test cycles, which are covered by/linked to a requirement, are identified as covered test cycles.  

The Requirement filter in the report configuration supports JQL and allows users to use multiple fields like Project, Issue Type, Issue Status, etc. as filters to generate the report. Write a JQL query to construct the story selection criteria with different filters. You can save the applied Filter and add it as a gadget on the dashboard.


The chart displays Story Coverage based on test cycle linkage with the stories.

  • Covered: It refers to test cycles that have stories linked to them.

  • Not Covered: It refers to test cycles that don’t have any story within them.


Manual Vs Automated Test Cases Coverage report.

The report shows a summary of Manual vs Automated Test Cases Story coverage report based on testing type. Testing type is decided based on how a test case is created in QMetry. Test Cases that are created/imported (via excel) using QMetry UI and associates to the Story will have type as "Manual". Test Cases that are created through Automation and linked with the Story will have type as "Automated". Follow the below steps to generate the Manual Vs Automated Test Cases Coverage report.

  • Go to QMetry menu > Test Report

  • Test Case Summary > Manual vs Automated

  • Select filter criteria by Requirement > Add your desired JQL > Generate. You can save the applied Filter and add it as a  gadget on the dashboard.

The chart displays Manual and Automated Test Cases Story Coverage based on selected stories.

Test Cases type execution coverage by requirement.

The Test Case Execution report helps the testing team, the project manager, and the product owner understands the status of testing and the stability of the overall application. Users can generate the Test Case execution coverage report by the requirement.  Follow the below steps to generate the Test Case execution coverage by requirement.

  • Go to QMetry menu > Test Report

  • Test Case Execution Summary > Test Case Type

  • Select filter criteria by Requirement > Add your desired JQL > Generate. You can save the applied Filter and add it as a gadget on the dashboard.

The chart displays Test Cases execution coverage results as Manual and Automated Test Cases type based on selected stories.

Defect Coverage report.

Defect Summary report displays details related to defects logged to Test Cases. The defects can be organized by any of the following drill-down formats by using the filter criteria as by requirement:

  • Workflow Status.

  • Priority.

  • Project.

  • Environment.

  • Build.


The report displays a bar stack chart for Defects which are linked to the Test Cases during the execution.


Additionally, users can generate the QMetry charts on the dashboard by using the saved reports filters as shown below. Refer to this help document to explore more about QMetry Charts on Jira Dashboard.