Jenkins Configuration

In Jenkins, enable the remote build triggers by selecting the Trigger builds remotely check box on the Configuration screen.

How to Construct Webhook URL?

While doing configurations for Build Triggers in the CI/CD tool, you can see the instruction given below the Authentication Token field to use the URL to trigger build remotely.

Normal Project

Parameterized Project

Normal Project

Parameterized Project

→ The following is an example of how to construct the Webhook URL for a normal project in Jenkins.

The URL suggested in Jenkins during the configuration of Build Triggers: JENKINS_URL/job/Jenkins_Project_Name/build

If your Jenkins instance URL is and the project name is QTM4J4xCloud.

Then the URL to trigger the build will be -

→ The following is an example of how to construct the Webhook URL for a project with parameters in Jenkins.

The URL suggested in Jenkins during the configuration of Build Triggers:


If your Jenkins instance URL is and the project name is QTM4J4xCloud.

Then the URL to trigger the build will be -


To supply the Authorization header with value Basic <auth>, perform the following steps:

  1. Build a string of the form username:api token using Jenkins credentials. Generate API Token in Jenkins from User Profile > Configure > API Token section.

  2. Encode the string in Base64 format.

  3. Supply an "Authorization" header with content "Basic " followed by the encoded string. For example, the string "admin:" encodes to "YWRtaW46MTE5ZWJiNjA0ZDJkY2NjM2E0OTEzYzFhZjVjOTIxOQ==" in base64. So the Basic <auth> value would be as follows.