Bamboo Configuration


How to Construct Webhook URL?

While doing configurations for Build Triggers in the CI/CD tool, you can see the instruction given below the Authentication Token field to use the URL to trigger build remotely.

Normal Project + Project with Parameters

Normal Project + Project with Parameters

The following is an example of how to construct the Webhook URL for a normal project as well as project with parameters in Bamboo.

The URL suggested in Bamboo during the configuration of Build Triggers:

the Webhook URL provided above follows this syntax:



If your Bamboo instance URL is

Then the URL to trigger the build will be -


To supply the Authorization header with the value Basic <auth>, perform the following steps:

  1. Build a string of the form username:password using Bamboo credentials.

  2. Encode the string in Base64 format.

  3. Supply an "Authorization" header with the content "Basic " followed by the encoded string. For example, the string "admin:admin" encodes to "YWRtaW46YWRtaW4K" in base64. So the Basic <auth> value would be as follows.

Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4K

Configure CI/CD Rule for Bamboo


CI/CD Rule Without Parameters

Users can trigger the CI/CD Rule for Bamboo jobs without parameters as well as for parameterized bamboo jobs. This section displays the triggering of the CI/CD Rule for bamboo jobs without parameters.


CI/CD Rule With Query Parameters

Users can trigger the CI/CD Rule for parameterized bamboo jobs. The parameterized job contains global variables in the bamboo configuration.