Re-import Test Cycles and Executions

Re-import Test Cycles and Executions


Users can export the test cycle with linked test cases and steps to an Excel file. The export feature is specifically designed to enable teams to manage test executions conducted offline. The exported file can be reimported into the same QMetry instance and project.

→ Required Permissions: Users should have the Test Cycle Execute Permissions to perform the import and export operations for test cycles.


Business Rules/Guidelines

Following these guidelines will help you ensure the import process runs smoothly without missing data or errors.

  • Source and Purpose: The import feature is designed only to import test cycles exported from the same instance and project. It does not support importing new test cycles.

  • Supported Fields: Build, Environment, Comments of Test Cases and Steps, Actual Results of Steps, Actual Time, Planned On, Executed By, and Execution Custom Fields are supported during the import.

    • Step data will only be imported if the test cases are imported with the steps.

    • Actual Time: It will be imported regardless of timer settings (whether allowed or restricted).

    • Executed By: It will be set to the value from the file. If the value is missing in the file, it will default to the user performing the import.

  • Executed On: This will be set to the current date and time, and any data from the import file will be ignored.

  • Column Integrity: Do not delete, modify, or add columns, especially unique keys/IDs or column names in the exported file. These fields are automatically mapped during the import, and changes can lead to errors or skipped records.

  • Test Cases and Steps: Any test cases or steps not included in the original test cycle export will be ignored during import. If any values are invalid or do not exist, they will be skipped.

  • Archived Test Cycles: Archived test cycles will neither be exported nor imported. Only active test cycles are considered for import.

  • Mandatory Field Values: If any mandatory system or custom field is missing or invalid in the import file, the import will fail, and the validation errors will be recorded in the post-import logs.

  • Non-mandatory Field Values: If any non-mandatory field is invalid in the import file, the import will proceed with the valid data, and the invalid values will be skipped. Re-importing will not create any new fields or values that do not already exist in the system.

  • Required Columns: If the Excel file is missing any required columns, it will not be imported. A warning for the row will be displayed in the logs.

  • Archived/Deleted Test Cycles: Archived or deleted test cycles will not be exported or imported. Only active test cycles will be included in the import process.

  • Archived Test Executions: Archived test executions will not be included in the import process.

  • Impact of Auto-propagation Settings: The following table describes the scenarios that impact the Execution Results of test cases and steps while import.







When a file with “Test Cases with Steps” is imported


The status of the test case will be calculated based on step status. The test case status in the Excel file will be ignored.

When a file with “Test Cases with Steps” is imported


The status of the test case and steps will be imported as per the Excel file.

When a file with “Test Cases” is imported


The status of the test case will be imported from the Excel file and it will be copied to the steps.

When a file with “Test Cases” is imported


The status of the test case will be imported from the Excel file and the status of steps won’t change.

Export Test Cycles

To perform offline tests, export the test cycles and enter these input values: Execution Result, Actual Result, Comments, Planned On, Actual Time, Execution Assignee, Environment, Build, and Execution Custom Fields.

Note: A maximum of 20 test cycles can be exported at a time.


  1. Go to the Test Cycle module.

  1. Select the test cycles that you want to export.

  1. Click on the Export button at the top.


The Export Test Cycle(s) screen opens.

  1. Select Export Option:

  • Export Test Cycles with Test Cases (Without Steps)

The test cycle details will be exported with the Test Cycle Key, Summary, Test Case Key, Summary, Description, Precondition, Version No, Execution No, Execution Assignee, Environment, Build, Execution Result, Comments, Actual Time, Planned On, Executed By, Execution Custom Fields, and Execution UID Unique columns (to identify the test case executions).

  • Export Test Cycles with Test Cases and Steps (in Multiple Rows)
    The test cycle details will be exported with Test Cycle Key, Summary, Test Case Key, Summary, Description, Precondition, Version No, Execution No, Step Summary, Test Data, Expected Result, Actual Result, Execution Result, Comments, Actual time, Planned On, Execution Assignee, Executed By, Environment, Build, Execution Custom Fields, Execution UID (to identify the test case and step executions), and parameterized step details.

  • Parameterized Steps: In the case of the parameterized steps, the steps will be duplicated as per the parameterized group combination shown on the execution screen. The parameterized steps will be exported to Excel accordingly.

  1. Select the Executions to be exported.

Select either of the following to indicate whether the latest version or all versions of the test cases are to be exported from the project.

  • Latest Execution

  • All Executions

  1. Click on the Export button.


The success message pops up.

Download Excel File

  1. To download the Excel file that contains the exported test cycles, go to the Notifications section by clicking on the Bell icon at the top-right corner.

  1. Click on the Download File link to download the exported file.

  1. To view the test cycles you exported, open the downloaded Excel file.

You can view the exported test case details on the Test Cycle Details tab.

The Guidelines for Re-import tab contains rules that should be followed for a successful re-import of the