Add Attachments on Execution Screen

QMetry Test Management for Jira provides Attachment functionality to add more reference to the particular test case/step. For example, a test case is failed. Testers can attach a screen shot related to the failure.

Add Attachments to Test Case

You can upload multiple files at a time as attachment.

  1. Open the Test Execution screen.

  2. Expand the Attachments section of the test case.

  3. Attach the file through either of the ways:

    1. browse the file to attach

    2. drag and drop the file to attach

Once uploaded, the details of the attached file(s) is displayed in the grid below.

Add Attachments to Test Step

  1. Open the Test Execution screen.

  2. Expand the Step Details.

  3. Click on the attachment paperclip icon at right for the particular test step.


4. The Attachments screen opens.

5. Attach the file through either of the ways:

  • browse the file to attach

  • drag and drop the file to attach

Once uploaded, the details of the attached file is displayed in the grid.

On the execution screen, the color of Attachment icon gets changed once a file is attached to the test step.

Delete Attachments

Delete a Single Attachment

To a single attachment click on the Delete icon for individual attachment.

Bulk Attachments

To delete multiple attachments at a time, select the attachments you want to delete and click on the Bulk Delete button.