Clone Test Cycle

Users can create a clone of existing Test Cycles with their respective test steps.

For example, Testers need test cycles for the next release. These new test cycles may have some common field values as existing test cycles. The test cycle needs to be a copy of the existing test cycle. So they create a copy of existing test cycle using the Clone feature.


1. Hover over the Test Cycle you want to clone. Three icons  become visible now: Execute, Clone and Delete.

2. Click on the Clone icon to create a copy of existing Test Cycle.

The Clone Test Cycle pop-up opens.

  • Test Cycle Name: Enter the name of the cloned Test Cycle.

  • Select Test Cycle Status(es)

    • Clone Test Cycle with Not Executed Status: It will copy all the test cases within the test cycle and assign them "Not Executed" status.

    • Clone Test Cycle with Actual Status: It will copy all test cases within the test cycle with their current execution status.

  • Copy Defects: If selected, the option will copy the test cycle with defects associated with its test cases.

  • Copy Comments: If selected, the option will copy the Comments entered for the test cases on the execution screen.

  • Copy with actual result of test step: If selected, the option will copy the test cycle with the actual result of test steps under test cases.

  • Clone with Attachments: If selected, the option will copy attachments along with the test cases of the test cycle.

  • Test Case Filters: Apply required filters on multiple fields of test cases.

Click Clone once you are done with selecting the required options above.

The clone is created on the folder level you are currently on.