Create a Test Case


Test Cases are set of conditions that would help testers to determine whether a product works correctly or satisfies the requirements. QMetry allows user to seamlessly create such Test Cases which the testers can make use to even determine the problems with the system or product requirements.

User should have the “Test Case Create” permission for the project to be able to create a test case in QMetry Jira add-on.

Steps to create a Test Case

You can create a new test case and directly associate it with folder.

1. Select a folder on the tree and click on the Test Case button. The new test case will be associated with the folder you selected on the tree.

There are three tabs: Details, Steps, Attachments.

2. Enter Test Case Details.

  • Summary: It is a short summary of the test case.
  • Description: It describes the test case with more details like images, links, etc. The field has Wiki markup editor. You can use different options that are available to apply on the text. Refer to Text Formatting.
  • System Fields: These are system defined fields. Enter/select values for the fields. The list values are entered in Configuration > Project Configuration.
    • Folder Path: It shows the folder path of the test case where it is located.

    • Priority: It shows how important the test case is with priority assigned as - blocker, critical, high, low, etc. You can configure the priority list values from Configuration > Priority.

    • Status: It shows the workflow of the test case with Statuses like To Do, In Progress, Done, etc. You can configure the status list values from Configuration > Statuses.

    • Assignee: It shows the user who is assigned to work on the test case. The users list displays users who have access to the project.

    • Reporter: It shows the user who has created the test case. The users list displays users who have access to the project.

    • Components: It references Project Components that you have created in Configuration > Components like UI, Configuration, etc.

    • Labels: It is helpful to group test cases into categories. You can configure the Labels list values from Configuration >Labels.

    • Sprint: The field is useful for Agile methodology where planned tasks have to be completed by the team and made ready for review. It shows the Sprint in which the test case is included.

    • Fix Versions: It shows the version of the software in which the issue is fixed. The field values come from Jira.

    • Estimated Time: Now users can mention approximate time required to execute the test case. The time should be entered in HH:MM format.
  • Custom Fields: Users can add additional fields other than system fields. Custom Fields are added from Configuration > Custom Fields.

Once you are done entering details, click Create to create the test case.

The Create another check box allows users to keep creating one test case after another without having to click on "Create" button again and again. It is helpful when you have to create a series of test cases.